Reviews for The Conquistador
Guest chapter 8 . 1/5
Please continue!
hikiisavage chapter 8 . 2/15/2018
My god, this story was brilliant. I love the transition from heartless to kind. Wow, such beautiful characterization. It's a really unique take on the pirate world.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/21/2017
Spamano is my favorite ship
This is realy good but will there be more?
Yuri-Ishtar chapter 8 . 8/13/2017
I am so glad you updated! I started following this story a couple of months ago and I really think it deserves far more credit.
Keep up the good work
Rising from the Ashes YOLT chapter 7 . 5/2/2017
So much has been taken...
Guest chapter 7 . 4/11/2017
You know, the site don't allow copyrighted lyrics. In the Terms of Service: 6 User Submissions and Conduct. D & F. You might want to remove those before it gets reported.

It's also illegal to use them.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/19/2017
The use of Copyrighted song lyrics is not allowed on this site. Check the Rules and Guidelines page: Actions Not Allowed: 3. Copying from a previously published work (including musical lyrics) not in the public domain. (www dot fanfiction dot net / guidelines /) Terms of Service: 6. Users Submissions and Conduct: D. and F.

If you wish to keep this here you will have to remove the copyrighted song lyrics. You can mention the song being played (though it really does not fit the time line), write your own lyrics, use a public domain song (public domain means its no longer copyright protected.), or recommend readers listen to it while reading this chapter.

You could move the story to another site if you find the rules here unfavorable, or just want to host the original version somewhere it won't be reported. But be aware that all sites have a rule against copyright infringement. Even Archive of Our Own.

Please remember to respect the site's rules and copyright law from now on. They are there for a reason after all. Your story isn't the only thing at risk of removal. Your account could be suspended or deleted too. Doesn't always happen, but it does occur from time to time depending on what the admins decide. Not only that, but the copyright holders could also be notified of the illegal use of their lyrics. A C&D order could be issued against your story or, worse, they could sue your or the site owner. Better safe than sorry later.

P.S. A disclaimer is more for a case of plagiarism. In a copyright infringement case, a disclaimer would be seen as an admission of guilt yet the infringer is still willing to go through with the crime. For more information on Copyright Infringement please visit here: www dot fanfiction dot net / topic / 145811 / 106013912 / 1 / CI-and-You-A-Guide-to-Understanding-Copy-Infringement It may help with any questions you may have on the issue.

P.S.S. Poor Lovi. The storms are quite viscious, and Tony has serious bad luck. Please have caught hold of something Lovi. Then scold your brother violently for being with the potato jerk, and not telling you where he was going.
Rising from the Ashes YOLT chapter 6 . 3/9/2017
OMG I love this chapter!
Guest chapter 6 . 3/2/2017
I'll never understand why everyone just calls Veneziano Italy when there are two Italies. Veneziano represents the North (Italia Veneziano/North Italy), while Romano represents the South. (Italia Romano/South Italy). Its kind of mean for them to forget that. Its like they are trying to leave Romano out.
maryranstadler1 chapter 6 . 3/2/2017
Great chapter! I loved the whole Lovino/Antonio thing it was perfect and so funny! Lol and I love how Ludwig was fretting over Feliciano. Lol hehe
Rising from the Ashes YOLT chapter 4 . 2/19/2017
Aww that was sweet
Guest chapter 4 . 2/14/2017
Urgh... Never was a fan of Gerita. Thankfully I can ignore it in favor of other pairs. Hah, how did I know that the moment Arthur saw Alfred he was going to barter for him.

Wonder what he did to the English captain, or if this is something else. Poor Alfred, he better hope to stay on Arthur's good side.

I'm kind of expecting Lovino to attempt an escape of some kind. If only to get the word out about their location. But I'm probably wrong, and he'll stay complacent with some sass.

The "he's gay" "I'm not gay" argument was amusing.

Apart from that, not much else to say about this chapter. Update when you're ready.
maryranstadler1 chapter 4 . 2/14/2017
Omg loved this chapter! Mainly for the Ludwig/Feliciano part, hehe I love gerita, but it was all completely, awesome! I loved the Francis/Matthew part too!
Guest chapter 3 . 2/9/2017
Poor Lovi... but you tell him! Antonio needs to be confronted about his behavior. Haha, starting to feel more there Tonio.

Mathew and Alfred arguing reminds me of the latest Ao no Exorcist Kyoto episode where Rin is getting scolded by his rother Yukio while he's trappend in a cell. Lol.

Aw, poor Feli, areyou worried about Lovi? So cute, but man will he be mad about Ludwig.

You forgot drainage in regards to infection. With wounds like his there is going to be some drainage. I can't completely remember the color healthy drainage is, but I think yellow is a sign of infecion.

Hm. I wonder what Portugal is like drunk if Antonio is a scary drinker.
maryranstadler1 chapter 3 . 2/8/2017
Awesome chapter! And I liked the little Ludwig/Feliciano part!
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