Reviews for How to be a Villain: A Postman's Tale
Guest chapter 88 . 6/4
We haven't seen a new update for a while so I assume the worst has happened. Find someone to type your story for you through your words dear author. Don't let the loss of one sense deny you of your recreational writing. -Anonymous
Guest chapter 88 . 12/19/2019
I hope you're okay ;_;
Guest chapter 88 . 11/23/2019
This is a really good story. I want to know who the person who's after the Postman is and why.

I hope the story is still updating.
Melle 2001 chapter 41 . 8/8/2019
You alright? ;;
Curious reader chapter 88 . 7/1/2019
Hey u ok author? Havent heard from you in a long time
Dingirverse chapter 88 . 6/4/2019
A very interesting story, longer than any of my professional ones thus far. I look forward to the next update whenever time allows.
placesmileshere chapter 88 . 5/15/2019
Hey, It's been a long time since your last update, but I still check in every once in a while to see if you have posted anything. I love your story, everything about it, and I miss you as an author. I know you are struggling, but I want you to know that I'm still here, I still believe in you and your writing, and I know others do to. Please let us know what is going on, just so we can have an idea of what to expect. I hope things get better for you.
Guest chapter 88 . 3/14/2019
Spent the last 3 days reading your doc and let me tell u it was a gem to read
redacted987 chapter 33 . 2/16/2019
I really like ganon after reading your fic.
Amazing writing.
redacted987 chapter 11 . 2/16/2019
The Legend of Zelda: Link vs Postman
And now I'm laughing my head off.
Awesome story.
ladyxtea chapter 88 . 1/11/2019
Hi! Just here to praise you on your work! I actually started reading this story back around February 2018 when I became too sick to leave my house for a few months. Not being able to go to work or do anything in general was a real downer for me, especially considering that I'm very much a workaholic! When I was healthy enough to return to work, I unfortunately didn't have much time to keep reading. I started reading again in November when I was overcome with terrible depression and had to take a couple months off work again! My luck is like Jihiro's, isn't it? lol. Anyways, it's January now and I've finally caught up to the end! I seriously enjoyed the story so far and it's become quite sentimental for me, considering that this story was the only thing I had whilst cooped up in my house. I've read your author's notes for each review and I am aware of your vision and the unfortunate turn you had taken with your "friends". I'm hoping all is well for you and that this story will eventually complete. I've actually never written a review for anything ever before and this is my first review ever, haha. But this story, and you as a writer, deserves some recognition and praise. I continue to wish you all the best in health and life and hope to hear from you sometimes in the future! Thank you for sharing your story!
Demonfan50 chapter 88 . 1/5/2019
Melle 2001 chapter 88 . 1/4/2019
how did i miss this update.
but anywayyys; its awesome to learn about Sakons family!
and its still amazing to me how well thought through EVERYTHING is! :D
and i just love Sakons relationship with the HMS XD
he is kind of an ass at times, but he really does care about Sakon, and the rest of his family XD

anyways; are you alright?
tuff times? :/
i wish you the best of luck...and i'm sure all other readers do so aswell!
Ari-Dexel13 chapter 88 . 12/27/2018
FerretFlies chapter 88 . 12/6/2018
Hey, Mango! You probably don’t remember me, but I commented on a few of your earlier chapters. I found this story when the fifth chapter was released and absolutely fell in love with how charming it was. It was cute and hilarious.

I remember how completely horrified I was (in a good way) when the dedicated postman was forced to become a villain (despite the name of the story, I was still surprised, lol). I wasn’t too sure what to make of it, but you still managed to draw me in, and I kept coming back to read more.

It just kept getting better as time went on, without ever losing any of its old charm. Even though the Postman and the Thief are facing some grim times, they are still so fun and you’ve honestly gotten me more invested in the growth of these two minor, insignificant characters than I am in the actual main LoZ cast. You have amazing talent. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

I’m not going to lie, you’re honestly one of the most dedicated writers I have ever met. Despite difficulties with your health and within your personal life, you still strive to keep up with this story and strive to make it the best you possibly can.

I want you to remember that it’s okay to take a break every now and again, and if life gets to be difficult, never let this be a cause of stress for you. This story is amazing, but you are more important. It can wait. We can wait. I’m sure Jihiro and Sakon can wait for the next unfortunate turn of events. Just worry about doing what you need to. Hopefully things will start turning out for the better soon; we all know you’ve been trying hard.
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