Reviews for Conversations and a Good Nights Rest
Kohi wo Nomu chapter 1 . 7/22/2018
So sweet! I loved it. Donnie/Raph brotherly fluff is my favorite.
YellowAngela chapter 1 . 2/24/2017
Hi, it's me from the other site. I dropped by and saw you had some other stories in other fandoms I know about and decided to read them because I enjoy your writing. As usual your writing is impeccable. I see you like introspection and family fluff. This has it in spades. I guess it's surprising that it would be Donnie and Raph because they don't interact much except to tease. And I never thought about Donnie being the medical expert as well as the tech genius. But it all works well thanks to your writing. Good job.
FearlessLeader-Leonardo chapter 1 . 2/4/2017
I love Donnie and Raph bro fluff, its just too cute 3
Flaux chapter 1 . 1/21/2017
Aww this was a very sweet one shot! I love that you chose a Raph and Donnie bonding moment. Those two need more screen time together. They hardly ever show them caring for one another. And after the Power Inside Her the show hinted that we needed this moment since it was Raphael who made April remember Donnie...
So thank you so much for writing this! I really needed it. You gave us proper closure to that episode!

I love how you got down Raph's tough personality and still made him a caring big bro in his own way.
And Donnie. Haha from the moment he said 'I drugged him' I was like, yep that's Donnie! He cares too much about other people's sleep and completely disregards his own.

This was very well written, with the characters spot on and a beautiful bromance moment that felt realistic.
Thanks so much for sharing! Great job! :)
Doggy129 chapter 1 . 1/20/2017
Awwwwww this is so cute! You did such a great job as always at making the brotherly connection very strong and I love that it was Ralf and Donnie and not Leo since he's just known for being the one to always go to. Overall you did a amazing job like always and it's such a treat to get to read your fics I love them hope you have a great day!
Godslittlewoman018 chapter 1 . 1/19/2017
So sweet! You see Raph's soft side