Reviews for Tossed Aside
HPfan1221 chapter 12 . 11/30/2017
This is so good
irene2005 chapter 1 . 11/29/2017
To the review under me, it's probably because he's worried and wants to talk to them.

Love this even though it's short!
PuddlePirATEpro chapter 11 . 11/25/2017
Okay...? Why is Nico the most pissed? Yeah it seems like there's some sort of pairing between them, but why would they just stare at him, and Nico be pissed at all of them?
DeadlyHuggles chapter 11 . 11/25/2017
Yay! I think some bonding time is coming! But I'm really happy for this chapter, I can't wait for the next one.
Guest chapter 10 . 11/23/2017
*insert line about how much I liked your story that I haven't ready used a million times.*

I bless your eternal qualities
PuddlePirATEpro chapter 10 . 11/19/2017
do you have a leo/nico pairing?
DeadlyHuggles chapter 10 . 11/18/2017
Devon and Asher... I feel like those two actually used to be good friends to the minds they latched onto. I mean, Devon came when Leo most needed human contact (the closet at Teresa's) and Asher came when nico most needed someone to keep him sane (after Bianca died and he traveled the Labyrinth). It makes it so much worse when we get to now with Devon actually being really mean. Still I'm glad that they can help each other now
irene2005 chapter 10 . 11/18/2017
Wil... protective as always.. hahahaAnyways great chapter!
DeadlyHuggles chapter 9 . 11/18/2017
Any one else except us right? Because I really want to know
SOLANGELO chapter 8 . 11/12/2017
Poor Neeks
DeadlyHuggles chapter 8 . 11/12/2017
Ah shoot, nico can hear the voice too... I don't think that this will end well.
irene2005 chapter 8 . 11/12/2017
Soo... Nico. That means you have the voice in your head. I need a story. Btw great chapter!
wow it's gold chapter 7 . 11/11/2017
the damn cliffhanger, every damn time. xD
nothing gets past nico.
irene2005 chapter 7 . 11/7/2017
Omgs.. Though, Nico is good at looking past things. Probably talked to Esperanza too. Leo, You just can't fool Nico.
yazbk2988 chapter 7 . 11/1/2017
Ooooo that confession with Nico is givin me goosebumps!
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