Reviews for Welcome to my life
Kat liu chapter 15 . 1/1/2018
This is a fantasic story.
I hoped to the last word that you would pull a happy ending out of some corner of your mind, but it was unlikely since Cruella showed up (at least with only one chapter left). Also a happy ever after wouldn't make much sense with the story being about first real teenage love and the way you did not idealize it.
So, I love your story and the sad ending makes it something special as they are rare in romantic fanfiction.

Of cause I would like a sequel with them meeting again in the not so far future and rectifying that sad end to some HEA, but that doesn't make any sense. So let us readers suffer with Jays heartbreak, we can handle it ;)
fuckign-dicks chapter 15 . 12/15/2017
omg so sad! i cried a little bit :'( r u writing a sequal?
m00npr1nc3 chapter 6 . 4/7/2017
Not the expected chapter but this story is gettong fun
Edward chapter 1 . 3/22/2017
I really like this story.