Reviews for That Cowboy Dream
asam75 chapter 1 . 2/15
I loved this story when you posted it. I read it weekly, chapter by chapter, and got so caught in the characters that I got frustrated at the two of them. I'm sure you know where you were going with the plot...I doubt that you're stuck. I wish you would finish this...I haven't forgotten it and from reading the reviews, many others feel the same.
Miller18 chapter 31 . 6/9/2019
Please update and finish
Cullen14 chapter 31 . 2/3/2019
Are you going to finish this story sometime soon please please please please please please please please
agatona chapter 31 . 7/16/2018
Oh, that is just disappointing. I've come across this story as rec'd by another reader on FB.
It was from chapter 29 that I'd began reading even though I intended to read on from the first chapter. However, I could not resist to review before doing that. Then, got a bit disppointed again to see that the writer had not updated this story since July 2017.
I'm assuming that it doesn't look like there will be a HEA for Edward and Bella. Or if the story will be updated at all.
That has got my feelings deflated and just wondering if I should even embark to read from the start.
I like Cowboy Edward. Not Mafia/Mob/Zombie, so much.
Thank you for your effort, though.
Guest chapter 31 . 6/13/2018
I kinda love the ending. Even if it was abandoned I like where it left off. In my mind Edward is the one that fucked up. He left without getting an explanation from bella, HIS friend turned bella off of him, bella tried to find him only to find out he was marrying the same girl that warned bella off, confirming what she said, he married the ugly ginger, HIS mom intercepted bellas letters, he got his whore pregnant, etc etc. Then he has the nerve to want to move bella into the house he built for his ginger whore? NO THANKS.

In my mind Edward is a piece of shit and more trouble then he is worth. And I don't really want bella with him, so the ending was good except that she slept with him...that was disappointing.
Guest chapter 27 . 6/13/2018
He married the ginger with the ugly square face? LOL OMG
Guest chapter 20 . 6/13/2018
Jakes sisters just pushed bella to marry jake when they don't even want her in the family...….im guessing this has something to do with the business...….
Guest chapter 8 . 6/13/2018
It seems like Edward doesn't really like that Emmett is a whore, but im guessing he fucked all the skanky buckle bunnies back in the day too.
rogueslaygal chapter 31 . 6/5/2018
This is really good story, very well written. I hope you someday finish it.
Tommy14 chapter 31 . 5/5/2018
I just found your story and have enjoyed reading it. Hope that Edward and Bella work things out.
Pattsy1994 chapter 31 . 12/2/2017
When will this two ever sit down and really talk and understand eachother istead of making uninformed assumptions. I do hope you will be able to complete this interesting story and thanks for sharing.
Pattsy1994 chapter 30 . 12/2/2017
What would Edward do to his mother?
Pattsy1994 chapter 29 . 12/2/2017
So it was Esme and or Carlisle sending the cheque to Bella. Very snicky of them, how about the child knowing his father.
Pattsy1994 chapter 28 . 12/2/2017
Pattsy1994 chapter 27 . 12/2/2017
I knew that May was up to something but Edward marrying her was just incridibly stupid.
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