Reviews for Life Changing
BG224 chapter 9 . 1/19
Another great chapter! Loved Tucker’s tidbit about wars—no Star Wars? The catastrophe!
Can’t wait to see how you’ll tackle jealous Tucker. Given this story more thought, I’m really curious to see how certain episodes will be handled, like Beauty Marked! Oh but that’s all the way in season twoIm not sure if you’re just posting whatever you have on here to AO3 or if you’re actively writing, but just know you got a fan that’s looking forward to more chapters! I’m anxious to see the DannyxSam fluff! Thanks for the read
BG224 chapter 7 . 1/18
It’s so much fun to see the liberties you’ll take with this story. Occultist!Sam is definitely great and it’s nice that Danny recognizes that as her real, true self.
Even though we’re getting a Danny that freely admits to his crush in Sam, I’m kinda disheartened that there ain’t no Tucker Sam bonding. I loved them as best friends and I always believed they became closer because Danny had to constantly ditch them to fight ghosts. He was the first person she trusted to tell her wealth too. At the same time, I understand the need to take that friendship away from her to make this universe work. And I see the little crumbs you’re leaving your audience (ie. “MY BOYS”)!
BG224 chapter 6 . 1/18
Found this story on AO3 and now I’ve come to discover there are more chapters on FF? Happy day!
brooklyn1shay2black3 chapter 9 . 12/28/2019
I love this fic! I know it’s been a while but I hope it updates. Excited for bitter reunions!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/5/2018
Hey, it’s me. Just seeing if this story’s still up.
I had a thought: remember Dan Phantom (or Dark Dann, as he’s also called)? He exists outside of time, right? Provided this universe exists as an altered-timeline, maybe Team Phantom might cross paths with him, and he knows about the other timeline because he was unaffected by the changes. (Meanwhile, they have no idea who he is, or maybe not this particular version, depending on if you make your own “The Ultimate Enemy” episode).
Again, I can’t wait for the next chapter.
Zela Night chapter 9 . 6/7/2017
So, is Tucker's time in the spotlight going to be even more chaotic?
Guest chapter 9 . 5/29/2017
Finally got around to reviewing. Sorry, my week was hectic.
Great chapter. Excellent job putting a unique twist on this episode.
I like how you basically showed the two sides of Sam: altruistic and egotistical. Hey, if she were a halfa, those could have been her base personalities in "Split-Personality". I just have one thing to say about her and that bottle: she's gone mad with power! :)
Clever use of Desiree. Despite being trapped, it worked to her advantage. The bottle enabled her to bide her time until she was overpowered when she properly introduced herself.
And Tucker, I think the real moral of the story is this: It's not all about you.
I can't wait for the next chapter.
jbadillodavila chapter 1 . 5/20/2017
Genial ll
trashcan-silhouette chapter 9 . 5/18/2017
*please update 't wait for more!
trashcan-silhouette chapter 9 . 5/18/2017
I really love this story, please update 't wait for more!
StriderPhantom chapter 9 . 5/17/2017
cool chapter. please continue :)
Guest chapter 8 . 3/30/2017
Oh, I forgot to mention, I have another idea for an OC. A ghost who draws power from alterations or inconsistencies in the time-stream. It could be anything: from a direct change in history to small paradoxes, such as Danny's logo to the existence of Dan Phantom's existence. Think about it: how many times, outside of interacting with Clockwork, did they make minor changes in history.
And if this universe is the result of a change in the timeline, maybe you could use that for some foreshadowing.
And another thing; who's to say she's/he's limited to what goes on in this show? Isn't it suggested that this is in the same universe as "Fairly Odd Parents"? How many times did Timmy Turner mess with time? It doesn't even have to be a crossover, but perhaps a small reference.
I kind of got the idea from "The Flash" and "DC's Legends of Tomorrow".
Just an idea. Let me know what you think.
Guest chapter 8 . 3/30/2017
I just realized I forgot to review. My bad.
Good chapter. Yeah, they can't all be action-packed, but it's not that big a deal.
I rather liked how you had Danny (in Pointdexter's body) take on that bully. Personally, I thought the canon episode was a little bit bland. It could have used a scene like that.
And Sam using her A-list connections to garner support was a pretty good idea. You know, maybe that's another angle you could work with: Sam encouraging her popular peers to be better over the course of the series, instead of just griping about how horrible they are. Remember "Reality Trip"? We saw that even they have the potential to do good. In retrospect, I wish the idea of redemption had been utilized more. Just a thought.
I can't wait for the next chapter.
Zela Night chapter 8 . 3/25/2017
This is the best chapter yet, at least in my opinion.
Danny actually fought back, the biggest problem I have with the Danny Phantom series is that he gets thrown into buildings so often that he acts like it's normal, yet he is still scared of a bully as petty and weak as Dash.
PokeTennyson25 chapter 4 . 3/24/2017
This felt like a Danny Phantom episode.
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