Reviews for Insomniac Dreams
Arashi Uzukaze chapter 7 . 10/15/2018
This needs updates! O_O
Guest chapter 7 . 5/4/2018
I love love love this fic. It's written so well, and it keeps me wanting more, so much so that I read the entire thing in 30 minutes . Noct's reaction to Regis telling him his destiny, and then the whole car thing was a delete to read. Can't wait for more.
DaniRichards chapter 7 . 4/2/2018
Please finish this fic! I like it and would very much like to read more. I need to what happens next.
KeeperOfTheCreed chapter 7 . 3/14/2018
Great story! You know I don't think I have seen any stories that have Regis surviving ans him tellibg Noctis about his destiny. I'm am very interested as to how the rest of the story will play out with not only his dad still alive but traveling with them. Keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 7 . 12/19/2017
Oh man I love this! I just finished 15 and I was really wanting to find some good fanfic, and I can safely say this is everything I've been looking for! Keep up the good work! :)
HibinoMirai chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
I'm to lazy to read right now but it looks interesting and I don't want to follow without a review cause only creepy people do that so here you go!
I love how we where just thrown in to the story, makes it far more interesting than sitting through long texts of exposition.

Thanks for posting. I'm looking forward to more.
KuroArget chapter 7 . 9/26/2017
Yaaaes, Nyx~!
I do wish he had a part in the game aside from his daggers..
Nice getting him in there to save the bois tushes. :)

Also, I'm now jealous that you get/got to meet that guy. Squeeze dem muscles for me!..or boop dat cute nose..
(I'd get a restraining order on me fast wouldn't I?)
Capa-Detated chapter 7 . 9/22/2017
I just discovered this story and I'm loving it! I've always wondered how different everything would be if Noctis and Co. had been there during the attack and I think you're doing a great job of bringing it to life.

Regis and Clarus being alive just completely makes me melt. I love those two so much, and since Cor is my favorite character, I'm just falling to pieces over here lol

I'll admit, I am a bit cautious going forward because seeing the hints of this possibly going down the PromptoXLuna road makes my heart sink lol any ship that takes her away from Noctis hurts my heart but that one in particular is too much for me to bear... BUT... I'm hanging in there. I'm going to stick with it because the rest of it is SOOO good!
I'll prepare myself, take my anxiety medication, and eagerly await the next chapter! :)
Kay-Diz89 chapter 6 . 9/16/2017
But in any case, this has so far been an awesome story! I know you said this was only going to be a 10 chap fic, but I could see this going on for a little longer.
Fizzydrink101 chapter 6 . 9/16/2017
Firstly... red giants. Bro. I hate those. Especially when there's like 3 in the bottom of castlemark tower.
Secondly. what even broooo you killing two people aaaand the car? ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;
MysteriousBean chapter 6 . 9/16/2017
Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh! Noooooooo! What have you done? Well besides my broken heart this is a fun story! I loved the scene of Regis talking to Noct. It was so sad and I think they deserved that time together, even though it's going to put Noct in a totally different frame of mind for the whole adventure. Great job!
eyeore1994 chapter 6 . 9/15/2017
no no! My babiesT.T please tell me they're okay. If not I'll st-no. No, I will cant even pretend- I'll definitely keep reading.
Very interesting, rare to have the chocobros split up and even more interesting that you blew up specs and prom. I'm intrigued. Well done! Can't wait for the next chapter.
P.s. I loved the differences in how Gladio and Clarus barked at Noct. Lol I loved it. Claus was like' please highness, get down, I don't want you to get hurt' And gladio was like 'dumbfuck get down you wanna die!?' Both of them filled with love and devotion yet, time has helped Clarus be able to express his concern in a more receptible manner. Lol (at least in my opinion ) :-)
KuroArget chapter 6 . 9/15/2017
I can say for sure that I'm loving it so far and am eager for updates~ :)
The way to write them is really good imo and you've been keeping things interesting.
This chapter was definitely no exception. Guess it's up to Daddy, Gladdy and Gladdy'sDaddy to escort Noct. ;p
eyeore1994 chapter 5 . 9/7/2017
Aw man, I love how you had Regis tell Noctis. I too have also been wondering how knowing before hand how that would change Noct. Would he receed, mentally a bit for a while and adjust and wrestle coming to terms with it all the while. Does he accept it (or at least try to) after the initial shock. Does he tell his friends or keep it from them, not knowing HOW to tell them, that all they're working towards is his death.
The feels (T~T)
KuroArget chapter 4 . 6/24/2017
Whoot~ So glad you're still working on this, I love the story you've got going.
[also wondering if Nyx will make an appearance]

Grats on winning~
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