Reviews for That Kind of a Year
TwistedShell chapter 42 . 3/3/2018
This is the best chapter yet! I love the idea of L hiding in plain sight and actually being Hideki Ryuga!
TwistedShell chapter 18 . 3/2/2018
TwistedShell chapter 10 . 3/2/2018
Thank you, L, for being possibly the only other person that doesn't like the beach. Beaches ARE disgusting.
TwistedShell chapter 9 . 3/2/2018
Don't fume Mello! Matt is also the cutest nerd of them all!
TwistedShell chapter 8 . 3/2/2018
You must really love Near! And you're putting me on board with it, too! Another really adorable one. Especially the last line XD
TwistedShell chapter 4 . 3/2/2018
I am no fan of Near, but damn me if this chapter isn't the most adorable thing I've come across in a long time!
Dragoncat chapter 53 . 2/26/2018
I am so sorry to have to reply to you this way! No doubt this is a wonderful story you have written, but for some strange reason I am not able to login.

I wish I was not having such a hard time looking for work. I have been finding some temp work. If only it wasn't temporary...

I am not giving up, though... And if I am unable to post new chapters here, I have posted my stories at DeviantArt (Ladydragoncat), and I am also considering "Archive Of Our Own" (LadyDragoncat).

I will continue... one way or another. And I hope you will too.
zetsuboushita27 chapter 53 . 1/1/2018
i'm so sad this is over! it's been such a constant through the year. you're great and i can't wait to read more of your stuff!
MiMiMargot chapter 53 . 1/1/2018
I loved this final chapter, though it brings me sadness that this is the last one I'll get to read. I've truly enjoyed reading this exceptional story.
I wish you all the best for the year 2018 and I wish all your dreams of writing and publishing come true.
MiMiMargot chapter 52 . 1/1/2018
Yes! I do wish this would have been the decision Rem made in the original story line. This was a great chapter, as always. I loved the finishing line.
5552597 chapter 52 . 12/27/2017
There is that slow burn you do so well. I think it's quite true to the original series. Especially to Rem. I'm really going to miss this series. Sorry I haven't reviewed any of it for a while. I just didn't have it in me. I'll be looking forward to your other fanfics. :)
B. Kasparian chapter 51 . 12/24/2017
Hey Narutards, my name is Bob and I hate you after reading your fanfiction. It is obvious that you're a slow-in-the-mind, naïve Narutard who spends every second of their day reading stupid fan theories on Code Geass. It is obvious that Light is still alive. You are everything bad in this fandom, and you need to watch the anime again. Honestly, do you think you will get laid by writing this kind of schlock or something? It's obvious that you autistic virgins think you can dictate anything you want in your fan fiction. You don't understand that fan fiction is truly a postmodern medium, where readers participate AS WRITERS, and take up the story where the original writer leaves off. Nevertheless, you NARUTARDS treat it in a sickeningly conventional way, and this angers me.

I mean, I guess it's fun to make up your own AU stories to Death Note, but seriously, have any of you ever gotten any hanky-panky by telling a chick about your Death Note OC? I guess it's fun to believe you're studs because you write about characters from Chinese cartoons, but you guys take this to a whole new level. This is even worse than rubbing your manhoods to pictures of Ryuk.

Don't be a loser. Try to argue against me if you can. I'm perfect, basically. I never write anime fan fiction, preferring to focus on Harry Potter due to its depth and versatility. I also like to write my own original fiction about secret wizard cabals in the UK. What other fandoms do you participate in, other than "please yourselves to anime girls." I also get hot Harry Potter fangirls to approach me (my girlfriend just told me I remind her of Neville Longbottom, s*** was so cash). You are all dirty animu tards who should just get off the internet forever.

Thanks for listening.

Review related: I only read a few paragraphs of this s*** you dare call a fan fiction. Please read my much better Harry Potter fan fiction (when I publish it) to learn what true quality is.
MiMiMargot chapter 51 . 12/19/2017
A nice chapter! I've always wanted to know more of Linda.
I can't believe the year is almost over! Could you please keep on writing these next year too?
MiMiMargot chapter 50 . 12/11/2017
Yay, I loved this! Thank you!
I love Matsuda so much, and I think We all appreciate the moment he shot the pen from Light's fingers. That's the moment when he went from silly to sexy! I'm so glad that he didn't die, and even more glad that you took the time to write this for me.
MiMiMargot chapter 49 . 12/3/2017
Oh! This was adorable! And thank you sooooo much for writing this chapter for me! (sending you hugs!)

You don't know how much I've waited for this update. I've been checking my emails all day long, to see if there was an alert telling you've updated! And yes, this was so worth the wait! I loved this, totally loved this. Awwww, L is so wonderful, I love him so much! And I totally agree with him on this one - Misa IS far too good for Light. :D

Again, I must compliment you on your style. The flow of your writing is perfect, your choice of words immaculate. Keep on the good work! Can't wait for the next chapter!
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