Reviews for Buzzkill
Alva Starr chapter 1 . 1/10/2017
Wow, four new one shots and an update for LIT - it's so great to see you writing so much lately especially with working full time! I'm so impressed and inspired. This story and the SPN Benny one are my two faves of the new ones.
Okay this could have been a prompt from me! This is truly one of my fave Merle/OC pairings you have created. The history they have is one ive never read before. The plot of her dealings with his fathet but always having an eye for Merle is a great angle. Her past being full of regret but her strength to do what she did for the right reasons makes her a sympathetic character. I love the redemption struggle. And speaking of the unnamed woman, she is definitely one of 'our girls'- the running you wrote her: "Leaving. As always, she added to herself." And books always the books! To Kill A Mockingbird is a great touch. I've missed reading this style character; no one does it like you.
Your characterization of Merle is probably my favorite of anyone who writes him because you nail it but with a strong subtly- you never make him cartoonish - you always give him that gruff asshole on the outside but more complex on the inside but with restraint of language. He is always believable as having an internal struggle with believing he has to the the bad guy. The macho pugnacious male he shows to the world is at odds with the feelings that this woman brings up in him -that fact in this story makes him more tragic in a way. You get to the be heart of him without going overboard. Above all you always show how the apocalypse is a world he understands and thrives in:
"Merle Dixon was supposed to live in. He wasn't like her. He was a survivor.' I love how that contrast is always present with your OCs for him. They see him as the stronger one not realizing they are just as strong. They are the match for him that just grabs me in the gut. For example: "He all but growled, jumping down from his post and landing in front of her with such a presence that any other woman would have cowered away from." That tells me who she is and you Also have this paragraph; "it was the end of the world and yet the sun still shone every day. It was sickening actually. Except that night, because that night it rained and she felt as if the universe had finally given up on itself as well, and if the universe was throwing in the towel so to speak, why was she still holding on." So beautifully written and it has your signature style of internal monologue that I love in your TWD female OCs. You make them so realistic when thinking about the apocalypse and their own struggle to recognize how strong they are. Their will to survive wins out and they grow into who they truly are. They are aleays stronger than they think they are and you show the growth and self doubt in such a real way I always relate.
The sad ending is what you do better than anyone- you are not afraid to go there. She knows how to hurt Merle and to have her use it - push that button in him- it feels like a physical punch: "Sayin' shit like that makes you sound like your old man."
It was a low blow and she knew she really hit a nerve because for a second it showed on his face..." and you have him respond bitterly: "Don't let the walkers bite you in the ass on the way out."
You leave us feeling pain and loss for the characters - for what might have been if it for their own issues That get in the way. Two imperfect people paying the consequences. You respect your readers intelligence and it shows. The emotional impact of your writing is as strong as ever. Love this one. xx
Haitus80 chapter 1 . 12/27/2016
This was awesome! I loved the fact that she was nameless. For whatever reason, it made piecing her story together a lot more important. That probably doesn't make any sense, but it's the feel that it gave me. Like, I actually have to know her to know her. Yeah, that wasn't any less vague. Never mind. lol I know what I'm saying, damn it!

I was happy to see a Merle story pop up from you! It doesn't seem to matter that you've been MIA on the writing scene for a while, you jumped right in with a vengeance. I loved this.
HaloHunter89 chapter 1 . 12/26/2016
Well this was decidedly sad. To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my favorite books. My copy is so worn and tattered. Glad to see you writing again.
serpetinefire chapter 1 . 12/26/2016
now I want to know all about these two darn it! glad you are kind of back at it.