Reviews for We're Brothers
laureleaf chapter 1 . 11/30/2018
I still can’t believe Cas killed Balthazar. I loved that smarmy British angel so.
XYZArtemis chapter 1 . 5/13/2018
Man, I honestly miss Balthazar. Lovely job!

(Just curious, why do you think Cas killed Balthazar instead of detaining him or something?)
TheTardyOwl chapter 1 . 9/26/2017
This is officially on my reread list. Loved the brotherly-ness between Cas and Balthazar and equally loved Bobby making Sam and Dean pull their heads out for a moment. You wrote them so well, I wish this was a multi chapter fic. I want more.
hengrimm chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
This is one of my most favorite stories of all time, fanfic or otherwise.

There's badass Cas, Cas whump, hurt Cas, comfort for Cas; so that's a homerun right there. Then you add Balthazar to it, Balthazar! So now there's brotherly/comradely love and bantering going on. And I love how you've captured not only Castiel's voice but Balthazar's as well, and omg(!) his POV with Raphael (" emotive as ever." !) to start it off is a treat and a half! And you still weren't done: enter Bobby Singer ... seriously, the show never did enough of Bobby and Cas so this is fantastic and then mixing Balthazar in there, gotta love it! And I absolutely love Bobby putting those Winchesters in their place, for thinking the world revolves around them, and even better, letting Cas know he will help him and also seeing angel brothers aren't so very different from human brothers.

Thank you so much for sharing this, what an awesome piece!
Shandrial chapter 1 . 2/10/2017
Yeees! My two favorite angels! I do love me some Castiel and Balthazar. And especially when it's got some Cas/Bobby friendship, Badass!Cas, and protective!Balthazar in it. Whump and angst with a happy ending and some Winchester guilt. I think you hit every favorite I had in one story lol. I am a very happy camper right now. I loved this, thank you. Your writing entertains me so much. I can get hooked reading your stuff.
TMH09 chapter 1 . 1/31/2017
This is great, I love Cas and Balthazar, I really miss him, anyways the story is awesome, you really had the characters down which reminds of why I both loved and hated season 6, I feel like every character besides Cas and Balthazar are the worse version of themselves. Bobby was slightly better but the only reason I watched that season was for those two XD and maybe Crowley lol.
Spoocky chapter 1 . 12/31/2016
This is beautiful! I waited it for so long! I just love the brotherly relatioship between Balth and Cas, and Awesome!Bobby is perfect to complete it! My heart enlarged a couple sizes reading this!
alannaoftrebond1919 chapter 1 . 12/26/2016
This was great! I love stories about the angelic civil war that keeps everyone in character, and you certainly did that. Thank you!
Miyth chapter 1 . 12/23/2016
"They were the ones who were just leaving."

Oh my gosh I love Balthazar, and Bobby, and I loved seeing these two underrated characters getting some much needed spot light. Hehe, and Dean and Sam deserved that :P

I knew this one-shot was going to have Balthazar in it, but all the awesome Bobby was a pleasant surprise :D I also appreciated a nice bit of action there in the train yard!

Great job!
LadyWallace chapter 1 . 12/22/2016
Aww, this was such an awesome story! I need more Balthazar/ Cas brother feels in my life, and yay for awesome Bobby! (and Badass!Cas) Thinking of stuff like this, though always makes Balthazar's death so much worse :( But I know they really were close. And yeah, Dean was a dick, but that's how he was in that season, sadly. But anyway, loved the brother feels, and I always like it when Bobby helps Cas out, it's an interesting dynamic, but as much as Bobby tries to deny it, Cas is one of his boys too ;) Loved this!
Dragonfire100 chapter 1 . 12/21/2016
Loved :)
29Pieces chapter 1 . 12/21/2016
You weren't kidding, I kinda wanted to punch Dean in the face! But he did make up for it and seem genuinely apologetic, so I guess that's okay. And Bobby was awesome, naturally.

But mostly I was just really happy to see the interactions between Balthazar and Cas! I think the moment Cas killed him was one of the worst in the entire series, even worse than him killing Samandriel, because he knew what he was doing and I always saw them being so close. So this was a fix-it for that moment, seeing them be so brotherly like the angels ought to be :) You write a very fun Balthazar, but with more depth than he often gets credit for!
Snovolovac chapter 1 . 12/21/2016
Okay, legit feels overload here. The Winchesters deserved it. They so did. Everything was on spot, the whump, the comfort the sass, the scolding, everything. And yes, Bobby so is a father figure to the angels, I love it and always will.
Melody Phoenix chapter 1 . 12/21/2016
Aw. That sums it up well. Just... aw, brotherly angel feels. Good work!
KOriginalAddict chapter 1 . 12/21/2016
omg this is so good I love balty so much and it's so rare to see pics with the caltazar brotherly feels it was perfect Dean was painfully well in character (Dean always refuses to help cas he has to beg) anyway I loved this one shit so much and Bobby helping was great thank you and carry on the amazing work
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