Reviews for Nagato's Redemption
Joyce Lidivine Azebaze chapter 3 . 3/26
I love it. Glad to find fellow non-romance fanfiction lovers. So many amongst those fanfictions are spoilt because the reader focuses only on romance. Thanks for the originality.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/25/2019
Nagato actually has all the Rinnegan abilities of all the Pains. We can see this during War arc.
Guest chapter 5 . 8/30/2018
That’s the one of the scariest things about the Rinnegan, it’s users can come into a fight chakra exhausted and walk away with almost full reserves because they can absorb their enemy’s chakra (or magic) based attacks.
Mr. Haziq chapter 6 . 11/16/2017
Grammatik Nazi hier zu berichten!

(several crack sounds) several cracking sounds
(The crack sounds ) The cracking sounds
(writen) written
(his word blacked out ) his world blacked out
(We shall se each other again.) We shall see each other again.
(he couldn't stay much time.) he couldn't stay for very long.
(He remembered the last night, when he fought Hades and that two kids. ) He remembered last night, when he fought Hades and those two kids.
(what wasn't a problem) what wasn't a problem
("I've yet not talked to you about that,) "I've yet to talk to you about that,
(Back to the Elemental Nations) Back in the Elemental Nations
(with those eyes.) with these eyes.

You know most of the other females don't have their official age on the fairy tail wiki. How could you possibly choose one among all of them without knowing their age?
Mr. Haziq chapter 5 . 11/16/2017
Grammatik Nazi hier zu berichten!

(but a canon.) but a cannon.
(The canon approached) The cannon approached
(killing children.) by killing children?
(hand canon charging up) hand cannon charging up
(Nagato's canon arm retracted.) Nagato's cannon arm retracted.
Mr. Haziq chapter 4 . 11/15/2017
Grammatik Nazi hier zu berichten!

(the man almost didn't realizes as the train began slowing down.) the man almost didn't realize the train began slowing down.
(flying basement) flying base
(now now at least. ) not now at least.
(Bigger than everything Nagato had came across so far) Bigger than anything Nagato had came across so far
(remembered Nagato) reminded Nagato
Mr. Haziq chapter 3 . 11/15/2017
Grammatik Nazi hier zu berichten!
(You're wOrds) My words

(readied about it) read about it
(as this 'guilds') as these 'guilds'
(first time he heard) first time she heard
(What led him to another thing) Which led him to another thing
(Speaking of the Devil... A very at the same time familiar and unusual energy signature stood right in front of the guild.) Speak of the Devil... At the very same time a familiar and unusual energy signature stood right in front of the guild.
( quickly crossed the hall until the balcony ) quickly crossed the hall until reaching the balcony
( "What a surprise, I was thinking about you right now") "What a surprise, I was just thinking about you"
("Could we talk in somewhere else? I have something to say, but not here" At least he's got straight to the point.) "Could we talk somewhere else? I have something to say, but not here" At least he got straight to the point.
( There was it, ) There it was,
("What means other people may know also,) "That means other people may also know,
( Fairy Taiç to be at your side.) Fairy Tail be at your side.
( she hear) she hears
( "There's a reason to people say that island is cursed.") "There's a reason people say that island is cursed."
( night would be there in no time) at night he would be there in no time
( What remembered him,) That reminds him,
Waveofkikooness chapter 2 . 5/16/2017
I read your story and... it seems that you're ambitious and you want to do anOdyssey of Nagato ", since you're plannig for him to do a trip around Earthland, i think that you should been thinking of the evolution of Nagato, the story takes place 776, therefore 8 years before the time-skip, so he would increase his strength, i'm not thinking about getting the Susano'o (Though it can be possible, Kakashi proved it), but you MUST show a palpable of his skills (Is he able to summons the Gedo Mazo ?), like the suppression of the limit time gor Shinra tensei, or also the implementation of a Lacrima (It could work because magic doesn't need Aethernano vessels).
Hope you continue your story, you have a good plot, a good character, now you need a good lawfulness.
anonymous chapter 6 . 5/13/2017
can you please write story with neji
endless78 chapter 6 . 5/9/2017
You do know Naruto fought Kurama inside of his mental world right. Kurama's power would be severely limited there since its Naruto's mind and not the real world. Its not like Kurama was at his full power either. Naruto only has half of Kurama sealed inside him to begin with. Hiruzen said a *full * power Kurama could destroy mountains. So I highly doubt Sage Mode Naruto has mountain level strength. That aside you don't have to stop writing battles all together. It would be awesome to see Nagato interacting with the wizard saints, alvarez and Mard Geer. Battle of ideals and hax. Just prefarably try to avoid stomp battles. Not out of insulting. I know Nagato pretty strong compared to a lot of Ft characters. But their hax could catch him off guard e.g. Midnight's reflector or Kyoka's ability to enhance pain and remove all of someone's senses.
Guest chapter 6 . 2/23/2017
This is pretty good
gunner007 chapter 1 . 1/19/2017
Same, glad I wasn't the only one here. I too getting sick of too many naruto crossovers with main character fishcake (naruto) getting suddenly overpowered and suddenly become ridiculously handsome and smart that get all women. I just dont understand why a lot of people too obsessed on naruto (the character) Still, Nagato deserved to have some appearances, and you made it happened. Great story.
Paradox009 chapter 6 . 1/14/2017
This is good. Please do continue this. I look forward to your next update... :)
ChunkyFunkyMunky chapter 6 . 1/12/2017
This chapter was unfortunately boring.
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 6 . 1/12/2017
Interesting! So Nagato was transported to the future? Intriguing!
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