Reviews for Let The Record Show
SociallyAwkwardWeirdo25 chapter 1 . 2/2/2019
This story is brilliant, sad and just what I needed to read for what happened to Dick, I've never read the comics but when I found out about this and Mirage I was pissed, Dick has been raped twice (three times depending how you see the Batman/Harley Quinn movie) and its always treated like it doesn't matter. Stories like yours show that people see that it matters and how wrong the writers were for doing this to Dick.
Not-understanding-monkeys chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
DAMN! This is my favorite fan fiction I have EVER read! Nightwing has always been one of my favorite fictional characters so I'm a bit protective of how people portray him but you did it perfectly! Everything about him was in character and I loved him so much! The story is super super well written! I didn't find a single thing wrong with it and you put so much thought and heart into this story! I was so engaged it didn't even feel like it was a one shot! I didn't notice it wasn't multiple chapters!

Beautifully well done and I am so blessed to have found this story! 3
Kiera Berley chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
HOLY SHIT THIS IS THE BEST FANFIC I HAVE EVER READ IM MY LIFE! My hands literally want stop shaking after reading this it was so good!

As a person who has read probably over a hundred fanfics, and have written a few myself, I have DEFINETELY gone through my fair share of meteore and poorly written stories. But this was Incredible! Dick Grayson is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time, and you wrote him beautifuly! Not only was the idea of this story amazing, but the execution was even better! Dick was completely in character and the whole damn thing is beautifully written! Also, I LOVED Rose in this too!

As a person who is a victim of sexual assault, you also i must say you handled it perfectly. How Dick was feeling this entire thing is super accurate to how I felt for a long time after I remembered what happened to me. Everything about Dick's PTSD from this event was super accurate and man... I am just so impressed with you. Thank you so much for blessing me with this story, as it has also helped me with coping! Thanks a million!
Whitemiko12 chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
I like it!