Reviews for Yugioh! Defenders of the Sakura Cards!
Guest chapter 17 . 1/6/2019
Excellent duel for a mone to Ithought that Bastion was going to win. I noticed one mistake starboy has 550 Atk not 500
DragonKnight15 chapter 48 . 10/9/2018
Okay new chapter.

Like Yugi said, Slifer has more weaknesses than the other Gods and since Erin was unprepared, next time she'll be more than ready. And I don't blame Blair, it's not her fault and she didn't know.

So Yuya and Joey decide to make Jin pay for leaving Erin at the verge of death but the others tell them not to go. However Gladion agreed to go with them for his own payback to what happened to Lusamine... after all, she was still his mother even if she was evil.

The three manage to sneak into the enemy lines with a Trogan plan which is clever and it worked pretty well at first... but that went off the window. Though... hehe, a sort of sex scene... that's well... bold of you Redwall.

Anyway Jin and Demonica had captured Joey's sister and Tea to devour them and now he and Yuya have to duel them while Gladion tries to find the two girls before it's too late.

Glad you took my advice about doing the duel next chapter. Good plan.

Well next chapter... Joey I see calming down but if Jin or Demonica mock Erin EXTREMELY hard and even go as far as say they'll kill her and everyone she met, including Yuzu... Berserk Yuya. That's your homework, look over Yuya's Berserk state and how he usually wins 95% of the time, especially when he uses Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon.
Jacob9594 chapter 47 . 9/25/2018
So that was what Jin was up to wow.
DragonKnight15 chapter 47 . 9/25/2018
OH YEA, Part 2.

GEEZ... that was wow brutal and humiliating for Alexis to lose hard against Demonica who easily crush her attempts to survive with a powered-up Cyber Blader and loses to her Earthbound. At least she tried but Demonica not only won but spared her in shame. At the least Acerola wasn't eaten and Tatsuya arrived to call for help.

Joey's duel against Mai wasn't surprising so no problem. It wasn't bad as his luck gave him the edge to win. Yuya's however... aw... Rune-Eyes' multiple attack only works if Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon... like the actual Odd-Eyes, fuses with a Spellcaster-Type monster and depending on that Spellcaster's Level, Rune-Eyes can attack that many times. For example, a Level 7 allows Rune-Eyes to attack 3 times... So um you made a TINY mistake there.

As for Erin's duel... it was short and sweet... BUT actually negating a monster's attack works on a God. Also increase, decrease card effects. What doesn't is destruction, banished and take control. Like a lot of things doesn't work on a God, but Erin's trap that negates an attack works. So yea. So Erin negating Slifer's attack would have worked. So yea...

The ending was fine and okay as I liked the message that Erin won't know how to beat Jin's Slifer. So this chapter was very unique, I enjoy it a lot.
Guest chapter 8 . 9/9/2018
It's cool that Erin used blazing inpachi and all but it's attack points are 1850 not 1800 so phi eas and ferb should have lost 150 life points instead of 100
Jacob9594 chapter 46 . 9/4/2018
I am looking forward to these duels continuing on in epic proportion.
DragonKnight15 chapter 46 . 9/4/2018
Okay, time for this chapter, this should be interesting.

So Lusamine... trying to survive as hard as she could, did not. The leader of MWFD, finally to be revealed to be Jin... haha... Jin, allowed Demonica to feast on the poor woman and leaving both Lillie and Gladion parentless. At any rate, Jin had enough with these failures and intends to show Erin what one being would call the true existence of life: Despair.

The plan wasn't bad to attack Erin's allies with Demonica... and that guy who doesn't have name, he needs a name. Also Mai... brainwashed. I mean Seal of Orichalcos event made Mai realized not to do that again... so this time it's best to assumed she's brainwashed. So as Joey faces her, Alexis has to duel Demonica to save poor Acerola again, Phineas and Ferb have to beat some grunts and Yuya is up against the second in command... Erin meets Jin aware of who he is and friendly tricks her to duel him.

That duel went as good as it was with Jin using his monsters to summon more monsters and grow his hand until he summon his own copy of Slifer the Sky Dragon (good call with Yugi feeling something is wrong) and now Erin has one turn to stop it... yea that's not happening. Gold Sarcophagus does force Jin to reveal the card he banished but it's fine, doesn't really matter.

So next chapter should be good and a lot of different duels happening too. Good job.
Jacob9594 chapter 45 . 8/24/2018
What a splendid duel it was
Sesshoru chapter 2 . 8/21/2018
Syaoran has more than enough chi/mana to see and communicate with Duel Spirits. Also, you still haven't edited Erin's surname and you keep addressing Syaoran by his family name.
DragonKnight15 chapter 45 . 8/21/2018
Okay time for... the final part huh?

Kaiba would be like: I'm only helping you Yugi because if I don't, then you'll die and then who's going to become my rival! That and I want Erin to live so my student crushes her.

Anywho, it's 3200ATK for Dark Paladin since its original ATK is 2900. The duel resumes with Lusamine having a large advantage over Erin and Lillie. Also it's Barian's Force, and um that's about it of errors.

The duel was great as Erin and Lillie did their best and even work together so well that they manage to hold their own against Lusamine and ESPECIALLY after she summoned as Earthbound Immortal with Pendulum Summon. THAT... was cool. I loved that. The rest of the duel was great, Lillie doing her best and giving Erin the edge to summon Phoenix Kyuubi Mode and beating Lusamine.

Sakura, Li and Yugi were able to save Acerola HOWEVER Demonica was able to get Lusamine and boy Lillie and Gladion won't be happy at all.

So next time we get to see the leader of MWFD finally duel Erin so yea. And so much for the fourth parter. It's tricky, let me tell you. It's very tricky hehe. Good chapter though.
DragonKnight15 chapter 44 . 8/7/2018

So other than the tradition moment Lillie had with her mother with the others around, it's basically like the game with the exception of the duel part instead. Also I never got why Guzma didn't jump in to help Lusamine too and glad in this one it's Yuya who has to duel him.

The duel was rather amazing and I wonder if you'll add Fairies in Lusamine's deck since it was her sort of her team when you battle her. Other than that happy Erin and Lillie duel together to stop her and worked well especially with Erin trusting her choice to get rid of Skilled Dark Magician due to what Lusamine is aiming towards... a shame it didn't stop her from achieving her combo.

Supreme King and Atem must feel upset Lusamine is using their cards huh? Crazy huh? Now Lusamine has overwhelming monsters while Sakura and Li are still trying to save Acerola from Demonica.

Good chapter overall. It wasn't short but I had enjoy it a lot!

Magic Draw should have been like: Must be activated after the successful activation of a Spell Card during this turn. If you activated a Spell Card (except this card) during your Main Phase 1, draw 2 cards.
Jacob9594 chapter 43 . 7/18/2018
Nice job Sakura and defeating Guzma.
DragonKnight15 chapter 43 . 7/17/2018
Okay... let's see how Erin handles Guzma... she'll do fine.

As seen last time, Erin took a lot of damage and she's under 1000LP. EH... Yugi had no cards when he took over Kaiba's duel against Noah and only manage to draw the right card from getting beaten unfairly.

The duel was pretty much the main point of this chapter and just amazing honestly. Erin did VERY well not to take anymore damage than she's supposed to and manage to turn around every time Guzma tries to turn the tide. First Volcanic Doomfire did a lot, but then he summoned Underworld Arachnid and take that monster, but then Erin use her own cards to pull out Ancient Flamvell Deity BUT Then Guzma brings out Uru but not good enough against Defense Draw. And Fire Fusion was a good new spell for Erin to bring out Phoenix Kyuubi Mode and won her the duel.

HOWEVER... this didn't help when Aether-MFWD brought more soldiers, Acerora GOT captured and Lusamine has forced Erin to try to stop her if she and Lillie want to save Nebby. So will the Ultra Beast leader pop out and be like "Now I'm your enemy". Good chapter regardless.

Next time a lot of stuff are happening... I wonder how this will go through.
Jacob9594 chapter 42 . 7/3/2018
And Gumza has just signed his "Death warrant".
Guest chapter 42 . 7/3/2018
Geez, took long for this chapter to appear.

So our large group is heading to Aether Paradise thanks to Gladion's experience how the group can commence both their attack and the search for Nebby.

We all have special moments with almost everyone and I did like the whole Yugi thinking if he's ready to take a life... something I also wonder how any version of Yugi with this one or DKR Yugi would do... but I will say this: As long as he can protect his friends and protect this world, then it's worth the risk and possibly there's another way. Like Yugi could figure or Yami Yugi sense that Lusamine isn't herself because of blah-blah-blah brainwash.

5000 HUH?! That's a lot of enemies to handle. Anyway the group arrives to their locate and commence their plan... HAHAHA... Kaiba should roll his eyes at Joey's comment on Metal Gear, probably saying "Only idiots would play video games like you Wheeler." And then he has to hide in boxes as well as the others complaining through his mouth.

So after being Metal Gear, our group caught Faba... wait, what's the point of the keys if you can BLAST THROUGH THE DOORS. Even Kaiba would be like "Then we don't need you, we'll see your leader by force".

Wait Tamotsu or Tatsuya? So the heroes are forced to fight the enemies forces sadly spotting them. And on top MFWD and Aether forces, Team Skull is there (not so surprised) and Guzma (pretty much wanting more Insect cards) is standing in most of the group's way. Erin goes in after Gladion couldn't beat him in a Pokemon Battle and the duel commence. It was short but it's pretty good with Erin taking HUGE damage from Guzma's monster. Even so Erin is not finished yet and she won't give up.

I will say Erin will win for sure. How? Not sure but that's the surprise. Good chapter though, a lot of setup.
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