Reviews for Shanks's Choice
Soravi chapter 4 . 7/23
Stupid me didn't check the date of the latest update, goddammit, I was liking this way toooooo much .-.
Ikousetsu chapter 4 . 5/20/2019
"Throws keys around""Key goes overboard" Opps
moonparty chapter 4 . 5/11/2019
Ah this story is amazing, poor Ace XD
I wonder when Shanks will find out who Ace actually is!
Smiley-Nami chapter 4 . 4/21/2019
This is interesting. Continue when you can.
yuzukikuran476 chapter 4 . 4/9/2019
Great chapter and ace should open up about his child hood and his parents to update.
justperson chapter 4 . 2/16/2019
hey just wanted to say that your story is awesome! 3
but there's something bugging me, if i remembered right Ace had first awakened his conqueror haki when he was still in dawn. he and luffy were fighting bluejam and his men if i'm not wrong. ace's haki knocked most of the men unconscious and bluejam got mad or something like that.

anyway thank you for your hardwork.
Kat chapter 4 . 11/27/2018
I love this story, you're a great writer
MetteMor chapter 4 . 11/13/2018
I loved it 3 can't wait for the next chapter!
silverwolf1249 chapter 4 . 10/17/2018
Oh no...Ace is going to be trapped in those handcuffs forever isn't he XD, maybe the key will be safe (yeah..not a chance :P) most likely mihawk will get the cuffs off him with his sword abilities. Also Mihawk! Yay! I'm glad he appeared! Can't wait for him to meet Ace and then potentially challenge him! Also, oof Ace, sounds like he's going just a bit feral there near the end, I hope he doesn't get any worse because that would be very bad :(. Raw meat...yuck, fun tidbit though about Ace's childhood that I never really thought about. Ace really was a wild child wasn't he? Also press f for the poor soup turtle, it never stood a chance to drunk pirates. The bets are also really funny :) I love how the Spade Pirates and the Red Haired Pirates get along well with each other (makes sense, both are insane as heck just like their captains :P)

I love the new chapter :) thanks for all your hard work! Can't wait for the next chapter! Hope Ace doesn't go insane by that point from the seastone, lack of sleep, food, water, sight etc. I wonder how he'll get his conquerer haki? Or develop it at any rate? Maybe by fighting Mihawk? Ehh, I'll find out sooner or later!
Syrisna chapter 1 . 10/12/2018
roseanne you give me too much credit, but thanks anyway, and glad you liked it.

Benn was looking for the keys' box because Shanks totally forgot where the keys to Ace's shackles were, didn't he? XD
They actually dared to bet their ship…bravo. I hope they escape from Ace when he finds out.
Dusty's laments are great LOL he needs to meet Marco because no first mate can top Marco for handling a crazy crew. They will get on great.
I know what's under the turbanhead lice XDDD

I will await the next chapter!v
Red-Hot Habanero chapter 4 . 10/12/2018
I love that they are betting on different stuff!
VisitorNo.18 chapter 4 . 10/11/2018
OH My Word! Keys! And they plan to what?!
Your version of the Spades are incorrigibly hilarious! Seriously, don't change them! :D
Jisa chapter 4 . 10/10/2018
Loved it!
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 4 . 10/9/2018
Love you too :-)

LOL for your warning!

Beautiful new picture by Syrisna, and can make out Ace's hat and Shank's sword, but what is the yellow stuff?

Like the bit that not only does Doflamingo spin his own webs, he invades those of others

Good POV for Hawkeye, my favourite part being his thoughts on Shanks.

Would be cool if Shanks' blade was not a named one. Rather that he is able to use a regular blade just that well to withstand even Whitebeard or Akainu. Of course its fame would MAKE it a Named Blade afterwards :-P

I ship Ace and Isuka!

So Ace, stay WELL away from Akainu. You understand? If not, we confiscate your meat.

Real survivor story in the woods like that :-) Also, hope Shanks checked to be sure nothing poisonous in the woods ;-P

LOL for the turban

Ace: "Whitebeard, I'm here to challenge you!"
WB: "...Why are you wearing handcuffs?"
Ace: "Never you mind that!"
WB: "Are those sea-prism stone?"
Ace: "I said-! *sigh* Yes, yes they are. Don't ask. Please. Can I just get to killing you?"
WB: "...Gurarararara! Bring it brat!"

"Why on Oda's Grand Line" X-D

We must take Bepo to Mordor!
Shadow fairy princess chapter 4 . 10/5/2018
please update soon
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