Reviews for Operation Captain and Commander First Date
FanLover chapter 1 . 8/26
Reader chapter 36 . 8/4
I'm just gonna die of cuteness over here. Everything about this chapter was perfect, from the wedding vows to the funny stories to the helmets thrown into the air. Thank you so much for writing the, it was amazing and I really loved it.
Reader chapter 21 . 8/4
Awww... I love medics.
Reader chapter 20 . 8/4
I loved this. It was hilarious.
Reader chapter 9 . 8/4
This was hilarious! Thank you so much for writing this, I loved it.
I'mBatgirl2.0 chapter 1 . 7/12
Please please please update! I LOVE this story! Perfect blend of Rexsoka protective Anakin and crazy 501st and Torrent Co.!
secrets of the galaxy chapter 38 . 5/25
pls pls pls continue
guy chapter 38 . 4/25/2019
This. Is. AMAZING. I looked all over the internet for a rex and ahsoka fanfic but couldn't find any. I love how the story isn't quite too slow, but it doesn't escalate too quickly either. Next I want to see them (mAyBe) have sex and have a kid, named...
Anonymous Turtle chapter 14 . 3/6/2019
The moment Rex said what his fear was I didn't need to keep reading to know why; and I was in a classroom so I had to try SO hard to contain myself because I remembered that episode immediately.
I had tears it was so funny (at least to me) ;P
ThayetRosethorn chapter 38 . 2/14/2019
I love your story! You know I think that you should add more exit strategies to some of the action chapters. It might make the book a little more humorous.
david.davies.5851 chapter 38 . 1/10/2019
I have a really funny suggestion. How about Ahsoka and Rex visiting the madness that is Anakin and Padme? Perhaps their twins will make Ahsoka and Rex feel differently.
The Wanderer 101 chapter 37 . 12/12/2018
Nooooooo, don't end it. Every time I logged on to FanFiction, your story was always the first one I looked up. I swear, once I read the exit strategies I've been hooked and I don't want to see such an amazing and active story end. I hope you make more stories after you finish this one.
AZ123bob chapter 36 . 7/1/2018
I love this story so much
david.davies.5851 chapter 36 . 6/30/2018
I have a good chapter idea. Ahsoka gets ill and Rex rushes her to a medic only to find she's pregnant with their first child. Also, Anakin's reaction.
AZ123bob chapter 35 . 6/11/2018
I love this story!
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