Reviews for Nox Caelum
Frost Glaive chapter 29 . 11/2/2019
Wow. I'm so amazed; this was so good! I really, really enjoyed this work. Watching everyone work through their grief - it was heartbreaking, but their hope carried them.

Was trying to think of a song to match the epilogue (mostly the second one) and I thought of 'Tsubomi' by Kobukuro, which I first came across through Hayley Westenra's English version.

Thank you so much.
Frost Glaive chapter 3 . 10/31/2019
The feels are real.

Whoa, you're using the lines from canon so well, packing punches in just the right places. I don't know if I can deal with this much angst in my life (what am I saying, I'm doing it to myself, selecting stories with a summary like that) but it's beautiful.
wannabe kairi chapter 29 . 10/11/2018
love the kingdom hearts poem at the end
wannabe kairi chapter 1 . 10/7/2018
love it
Raj8 chapter 29 . 6/15/2018
I finished reading this earlier and may I just start off with the fact that I really enjoyed this story.

I also checked out your other FFXV stories and overall enjoyed pretty much all of them.

It was interesting seeing Luna be the focus throughout the story, and although there were parts that through me for a loop at first, I applaud how you managed to connect all the differing story elements together.

One of the most interesting sub-arcs was undoubtedly Ignis who cares about Noctis the most out of the 3 of them and is surprisingly the most dependent on him.

I read this story after the Ignis episode so I felt it appropriate to see him be the one to shun her at first, especially since it means he scarified his eye sight for nothing.

Not that you could know the wounds came from the ring as your story was finished a full year before Ignis Episode came out.

Now that you know about the Ignis episode have any of your thoughts changed?
tennisdesi91 chapter 29 . 2/18/2018
Loved that bit from Chain of memories at the end! Fantastic story! I loved reading it! Great work!
Zeromaru Chaos Mode chapter 29 . 11/3/2017
Man am i glad i found this.

Luna as Battle Maiden? Fucking hells yes. Evading the whole bullshit of Gladio being a dickweed (which really was THE most pointlessly written tension ever. seriously he goes and fucks off for an entire chapter because he's butthurt about getting handled by someone with years more experience than him, and nobody bats an eye but Noct gets mind-fucked by everything going on along with the weight he still has to keep going forward and Gladio gets to act like he's being a weak baby? that's honestly my least favorite part and cemented Gladio as "i honestly would not bat an eye if you died" for that game) and replacing it with Ignis being frosty but ending with his eyesight mostly healed because Luna actually HAS that kind of power? I'm with it.

that surprise with Stella was top kek as well. didnt see that one coming.

Luna's question of if the Daemon part of Ardyn just wanted rest as well actually ties into what i thought his whole goal was. Sure, he wanted revenge, and sure he became a nasty piece of work to get there, but after being forcibly given Immortality, and thousands of years of living, i can totally see Ardyn as just wholly tired of it all.

Ardyn won. He won completely. End of the Lucian line, and his own eternal rest. the rest denied to him by pissant superpowers calling themselves "Gods", because they didnt like how he chose to try to heal the world. Which, by the way, was pretty much the EXACT same self-sacrifice they demanded of Noctis and Luna.

Assholes. Yes, even Shiva. She's fuckin HAWT both as herself and Gentiana but bitch went along with it so she's an asshole too.

Still. You did good. Few hiccups here and there, the standard expected grammar fuckups that, let's be real, EVERYONE makes. I mean shit, JKR has a typo where "exclaimed" is replaced with "ejaculated", in a published book!

could have done a little more in describing Luna's adaption to the power of Kings. You did well enough, but i think a half-chapter or so describing how it FELT to suddenly be phasing, to displace oneself from local timespace for the briefest of moments; to Warp, moving rapidly from location to location, maybe how the blade "felt" both in her hands and where it was impaled...

Small things like that. To a little better illustrate the difference in the feeling of the Power of Kings versus the Power of the Oracle. Mentions of barriers and limitations and being told there was something different is good enough but i think you could have gotten into it a little bit better.

but yeah. Overall, damn good work. Tense when it needed to be, emotionally charged the whole way through, captured the characters pretty accurately, and the Stella curveball...

I mean i wish she got to live but sometimes people die pointlessly. I hate it, but its reality, and indeed should exist in writing.

You'll just have to make it up to us by making a short AU where Stella gets her groove back.

So yeah. good work.

...ugh now i have to push through my own stupid shit to finish up my KH close to done...
Zeromaru Chaos Mode chapter 14 . 11/3/2017
You took...

Ok so i was expecting some alternate timeline shit, or some dimensional warping shit or something referring to how Luna stole Stella's "Main Character" existence from her. Or like, some Persona shit where Stella was Luna's inner darkness and fears and anger and negativity given form because of some fuckery Ardyn did.

The direction you took this is much better than all that.

And yeah. your Stella is very Xion.

i love Xion. I miss Xion. fuck Dream Drop. but 3 better bring Xion back. PLAYABLE dammit.
Zeromaru Chaos Mode chapter 13 . 11/3/2017
Zeromaru Chaos Mode chapter 10 . 11/3/2017
it's funny cause it's another Aerith moment. Gameplay and Story Segregation. Noctis would have had at least some kind of Potion on him at the time. Luna could have healed herself partially, enough so she wouldnt bleed out, and then healed him. She could have fished around for a potion which would have still worked cause its his magic, and then healed herself.

A bunch of possibilities, gone, because game writers are kinda dumb.

Seriously how hard would it be to have written in a sequence where Major Character or Party has their items taken away, before offing Main Character? Or having some in-universe explanation as to why X character died when Y character had a full pack of restoratives and revival items?

More game writers need to be like Nippon Ichi. Disgaea characters all have some idea they're in a video game and literally game mechanics apply to story events all the time. Imagine a Final Fantasy 7 where Aerith didnt die, because someone chucked a Phoenix Down on her before she bled out? Because even "it was a blade through the heart that killed her instantly" doesnt fly as enough of a reason, when there is a literal spell called "Death" that if it hits, kills you instantly, yet a Phoenix Down still lets you get up from that.
AyaKagami chapter 29 . 10/29/2017
I just can't. This was beautiful. And the fact that she got her happy ending in the end. my heart is seriously overjoyed. thank you for this story. it was an adventure and a half but it was worth it in the end.
Wolf Strife chapter 29 . 10/27/2017
I'm finally crying. I mean really crying for once. Such a beautiful story.
SaRan1999 chapter 29 . 10/27/2017
A truly beautiful ending to such a wonderful art piece. Thank you for all of your hard work :)
I...just, thank you
Words can't express my adoration for this and I'm glad to have been a part of it. And I would love nothing more than to stay in touch :)
I probably have shed more tears from this fic than any other piece out there. It will always have a special place in my heart and I look forward to sharing it with my friends :)
But for now...
Here's to the road ahead :)
Thank you!
Guest chapter 28 . 10/25/2017
I thought you couldnt hurt me any more after chapter 27. You did. I cried while reading this chapter, but i was smiling at the end. Looking forward to the final chapter...
Kudos, this was an epic read.
Keep up the good work
AyaKagami chapter 1 . 10/20/2017
I'm not crying... I swear I am not. but I will need several tissue boxes for the final chapter.
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