Reviews for Safety in numbers
Brenda247 chapter 5 . 8/30/2017
They are so cute.
thecartoongirl22 chapter 9 . 4/10/2017
Lovely Story! I absolutely enjoyed it :) It was beauitfully written story with great development!
Cutie-Pie-Angel chapter 9 . 4/2/2017
This was an amazing fanfiction! I love these genres and...and it was just perfect! I found this at the morning and couldn't stop reading it xD (I ended up reading all of your fanfics though)
You are an amazing writer!
yumiyang chapter 9 . 1/21/2017
oh my god (stands up applauding TT-TT) that was a awesome ass story right there. why don't you do us all a favor and take a motherfucking bow because you deserved it. i don't know about anybody else but i honestly think this should have been apart of the show. i couldn't even sit down while i was reading this. you literally had me up out of my seat, getting all excited, couldn't stop smiling, yelling all types of that i think about it if this would have been playing at the movies i would have been kicked out lol. best fucking battle too. they gave it their all. you have no idea how glad i was when sasuke slice that man dick...hell i was cheering him on lol. then the adults stepped in and took over. and lets not forget this amazing ending everybody had. glad that naruto didn't get traumatize by this whole mess too. sooo...i do hope you realize what this mean...thats right. you have to come up with another amazing ass story :D
your story is like a drug (never did any lol) you can't just give me fix then stop selling. so looking forward to more of you're amazing stories. until next time you awesome ass author you ;)
Arw165 chapter 1 . 1/19/2017
Not only there's non-con here, but it makes it many times more disturbing to know they are 12/13 at the time. What a sicko (the bad guy). I think you could have elaborated a little bit more on who the enemy was? Where did he come from, what were his plans about using this power etc. (I hope I didn't miss that, while reading first 7 chapters at once). What would happen, if the last tail got stolen? Naruto would die, like in case of releasing the seal? Probably more questions could be asked.
Considering the whole "sexual assault-thing", I'm glad we didn't get to see explicit description of Sasuke and Naruto fooling around. I'm not a big fan of smut anyway, so the lack of it is never a bad thing for me.

Wish you luck with future stories.

"Hot rape" (in one of comments), really? Who would want something like that...
yumiyang chapter 8 . 1/15/2017
oh my god...that was too close. man that dude just don't care. he was about to take naruto in front of sasuke like the mad man that he is. thank god tsunade and kiba showed up when they did even though naruto got another tail taken from him. i'm also glad that shika and hinata are going to be ok. hell i thought she wasn't going to make it. so looking forward to the next chappie. i hope sasuke give that piece of information to tsunade and maybe they will be able to put together whats about to go down. until next time ;)
naruhinakiralacus chapter 7 . 1/12/2017
I was no expecting Naruto to get kidnapped in front of everyone! Who just knocked out Sasuke? Looking forward to next chapter!
yumiyang chapter 7 . 1/7/2017
oh my goodness...he just keep getting capture. who the fuck are these ninjas. don't tell me naruto is gonna go through that again. he was tryna get better...he's gone this time. he is fucking out of there. unless someone actually come and save him or he gets his courage back and use the tails that he got left. not gonna lie i was not expecting it to be shika..hell i thought it was gonna be someone who went to the store. i hope hinata, shika, naruto, and sasuke will be alright. there is no telling what the hell might be happening to them...well we all know what they are doing to naruto. i just hope he is able to come out of it. looking forward to the next chappie. until next time ;)
yumiyang chapter 6 . 1/1/2017
oh my damn...damn naruto..hell i thought he was safe. now he's too far gone. i honestly don't know if he can be saved now. did that dude just steal one of the tails. is that his take the nine tails from naruto one at a that way. omg...see shit is about to hit the fan and the villages thinking that they are doing something good don't even realize that they are about to get killed in the process...and i don't feel sorry for them...well some of them i do but you know the ones that i don't feel sorry for. so looking forward to the next chappie. until next time ;b
ColorfulNympho chapter 6 . 1/1/2017
What a fucker.
It wasn't even hot rape either.
yumiyang chapter 5 . 12/26/2016
what the hell happened to naruto...oh my goodness. everything was alright, they was going shopping, having fun, then all of a sudden this shit happens. is he alright. don't tell me that dude did something to the seal man. hell he did make a copy of it ain't no telling what he was gonna do with it. something big is about to happen and i can't wait to find out what it is. so looking forward to the next chappie. until next time ;b
btw...fuck sakura. if you are a fan of her i'm sorry but i just don't like her ass and in this story she just gave me a reason to dislike her more. not gonna say hate because hate is a strong word and i don't like to use it. until next time :)
yumiyang chapter 4 . 12/22/2016
ok...i know i ask where the nine tails when you need him but i was not expecting to see him attacking somebody that is on naruto side lol. love to see that naruto and sasuke are bonding a lil more. well it would seem that the old lady is not the only one thats in on it but the villagers and ninjas too. come on can tell they have been planning this shit for a while now. this shit ain't just started. who the hell is this leader...why would they want to do something like this to naruto...i mean i understand if it had something to do with kurama only...because that man did get a copy of the seal but he wants naruto as well. does he really want him or is that man just tryna break know like break his spirit. well i won't have any of my answer until you put up another one of your awesome ass chapters. so looking forward to it. until next time ;D
Little Ms. Pumpkin chapter 4 . 12/22/2016
oh.. your cliffhangers. its dec.22 and just a few minutess later it would be 23. i can't wait for more chapters... please update soon good midnight?
ColorfulNympho chapter 3 . 12/17/2016
yumiyang chapter 3 . 12/16/2016
omg...i hate that naruto had to go through that. now he gonna be living in fear thinking that nobody care about him...hell i wouldn't wish something like that on anybody. man where the hell was the nine tails when you need him. sasuke taking naruto words the wrong way...i wasn't even expecting that old lady to be so cruel...i should have but i didn't. did she know about what happen to naruto that night or was she just talking about how the villagers be treating him. i'm not tryna jump to conclusion or anything but it sound like she knew about know like she was in on it. kakashi just pissed me off...don't get me wrong i love kakashi. i'm a big fan of his but in this story i just wanna slap that mask off his face. why the hell is he sending sasuke to walk naruto home when his overgrown ass could have done it...ain't naruto your student? don't you even care about him? btw who is this ninja?who ever he is he got guts...even though he's a pedo. but if you can torment a ninja, in a ninja village, in broad day light, then you are a bad mother fucker who ain't got nothing to lose. ain't no telling whats about to go down in the next chapter but lord knows i'm looking forward to it. until next time ;)
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