Reviews for Pokémon Reset Bloodlines: Cipher Interlude
Shadow Ninja Koopa chapter 1 . 12/5/2016
This was great. Exactly what I was hoping to see.

First off, thanks for the shout out. Mighty nice of you. Next we get into the he fun stuff.

This was a great read like I said. This is what I was hoping to see from Cipher. A real dark operation. To me, seeing brand new shadow Pokemon is like a dream come true. I've been wanting more Shadows for a while and this is great.

I like the little nods towards Reverse Mode and Hyper Mode with both scientists preferring different names. The peons being nice causing them to relearn moves? Oh that's a good move there. I also like the argument of "is Vertress a good league?" I think most people would agree that it's not well liked.

Exol is a real jerk though (I have a stronger word in mind but...). Giving Dewott to Shawn? Nasty and I admire them for it. I wonder if there are other commanders though? I think Skrub would classify considering his different uniform in colosseum.

But this has me thinking, how many deaths due to the shadow project have there been so far? We don't know exactly how one closes there heart, what sort of science is behind it. For all we know failure could destroy the heart killing the Pokemon. Now that would be an interesting idea to look at.

If only I could remeber what SD means. I know XD is the next generation of them. eXtra Dimension which holds everyone's favourite Shadow, XD001. I wonder if Metagross would be considered SD001 then? Hmm...

Anyway, as I said. This was great look on more of the darkness in Reset Bloodlines. Hope to see more soon. Keep it up.
Fox McCloude chapter 1 . 12/2/2016
Wow... I was hesitant to read it, and as dark and painfully tragic this one was, I have no regrets. It's not bad to shift perspectives every now and then to know how things look from the villains' side. You're an even better writer than I said you were before. I think I'm gonna check out the Dakim Gaiden too. Congratulations on another great Reset oneshot, and keep up the good work.
TacticianLyra chapter 1 . 12/1/2016
It is not often I find someone using Shadow Pokemon in fics. Dark, but good.
RedemptionWarrior chapter 1 . 12/1/2016
... Bam, right in the feels.
BrightNova169 chapter 1 . 12/1/2016
Talk about a dark chapter. After reading this and the Dakim Gaiden, I'll be thinking twice before heading to Orre. Note to self: remember to thoroughly research foreign regions before traveling there.

The more I read about Ein and Nascour, the more I hope they suffer extremely slow, agonizing, humiliating, and ironic deaths. Either that or the biggest dose of Cruel Mercy that is possible. If you want me to hate your villains, then congratulations. You've passed with flying colors.

Poor Shawn had to cut his friendship short due to fear. Realistically, fear can overpower even the closes of bonds. Just another dark reminder that this isn't canon anymore. The Power of Friendship no longer has a 100% success rate, not without other factors to bolster it.

Still, props to Shawn for being able to stop Mawile even though it cost him a few scars. Especially if that Mawile had Pure Power for an ability. Unless that Mawile didn't have Pure Power...

But that ending...jesus, that was just twisting the knife.

I wonder how long it will take for trainers to learn how to combat Shadow Pokémon. You think you could include something like that later on? Shadow Pokémon seem to be extremely dependent on trainers for every command in exchange for overwhelming power. Non-Shadow Pokémon could probably think more independently and creatively to compensate for a lack of brute strength.

Well, I look forward to future developments from this story. It looks really promising. Also liked how you brought up details like XD and "Hyper/Reverse Mode". Keep up the good work.
