Reviews for The Tale of the Beetle Jar
Blond Handsome Stranger chapter 1 . 8/14/2017
Wow, what a turn of events! Can't say I'm sad to see Lavender go, though. This is my first Ronsy, not a pairing I had ever pictured together, but I enjoyed it! Ooh, loved the idea of a Quidditch glow-in-the-dark ball set, as well as Ginny's "Let's tame the beast"!
S chapter 1 . 5/29/2017
Great, well-written story! I laughed out loud at some of Ginny's lines. I'd definitely love to see this plotline turn into a longer story or sequel.
domineaux-darko chapter 1 . 11/29/2016
so cute! love ronsey!not usually a fan of fremione but you made it work well.
CindyBarnard chapter 1 . 11/29/2016
I loved this one! Ronsy is perfect here xox
Sandra-Sempra chapter 1 . 11/29/2016
Love. Love. LOVE! This was a super cute read and I adored the characters. You really captured their personalities. Plus it helps that I loathe Lavender anyway haha well done, lovie!
sunshinealeia chapter 1 . 11/28/2016
I. AM. SPEECHLESS. HOLY SHIT! Girl, this was absolutely fan freaking tastic! Seriously! The entire thing - getting ready with the girls (I do so love fluff and bff love) to the bar scene; what a plot twist with Pansy! I was so thankful because um wtf Ron's wife CANNOT NOT like Hermione. No way. The conversation between Hermione and Rita was deliciously devient. *smirk* and OMG you ended the whole thing with Fremione and I am over the moon! Just, wow. Outstanding job and incredible writing. You truly have a gift; keep up the amazing work! Xoxox
Bernaheartsyou chapter 1 . 11/28/2016
I really enjoyed this, from the small details to how everything just mixed well with each other. I've never read any Ron and Pansy stories together and I am so glad that this was my first!
olivieblake chapter 1 . 11/28/2016
I loved this one! A very cute premise, a hilarious Luna and Ginny, and the whimsical details were spectacular (the drink names were amazing!) I love Ronsy and was excited to see them here. Very fun one shot.

Hope you enjoyed the comp because I want to see more from you!