Reviews for In My Life
Samy chapter 1 . 5/9
Excelente forma de narrrar la historia, lei varias de sus historias y me parece interesante para leerlo una y otra vez, el takari esta narrado de una forma que me hubiera gustado que fuera asi en el anime original
Incluso si uno todas sus historias es como si fuera una sola, ya que en todas transmite lo que falta a mi punto de vista en el anime ovas peliculas
Como quisiera que toei oficialice esta pareja. Daisuke me agrada pero desde que vi digimon siempre dije que el takari es lo mejor
Verzuaint chapter 1 . 8/29/2019
This is really good!
darklover chapter 1 . 5/22/2019
This was a really good fic.

I loved it!
Named After Irony chapter 1 . 1/11/2019
I saw this playing as i read it. Your details make it easy to see whats going on. wonderful. Thank you.
MalaZh chapter 1 . 3/8/2018
Please please oh please do a follow up story of "meanwhile, at the chaos that is the campsite they left behind..."
the alpha phoenix chapter 1 . 12/18/2016
I love this one-shot. I could really see something like this happening and Takeru would definitely be the one to help Hikari out after that. I'm surprised that he didn’t punch Yamato for what happened, but it makes sense because he was more focused on helping Hikari. The interaction between Takeru and Hikari was perfect and that scene at the end with their Digimon was the cherry on the cake. Great work! :D
ToastyToaster22 chapter 1 . 12/14/2016
This was absolutely wonderful. It's hard to get into Hikari's head sometimes, but I think you did a nice job showing how she thought of Takeru and their situation. It's been a long time since someone reminded me of how much he hated his friends fighting. I feel pretty bad for Yamato though. Punching Taichi is no big deal, but punching Hikari (however accidental) is like asking to get the crap kicked out of him. I would love to see some sort of follow up. I have no idea what exactly would be in it, but you handled this so well, I would be happy to read anything of yours.
Newbie23 chapter 1 . 12/2/2016
love this so much especially how you wrote it 3
Lilfoc chapter 1 . 11/29/2016
I loved's was so well done, the parts with the digimon were adorable and Takeru/Hikari intereactions are always precious.
Yamato and Taichis fight was overtly contrived... specially since they seemed to be at a stale mate during confession but I get why it had to be
CelestialWolf24 chapter 1 . 11/28/2016
Check Anime News Network! They just released the plot for 4th movie Loss! Also, I loved the story!