Reviews for Rock Hard
zanex141 chapter 24 . 4/28
Damn wtf shit just came out of nowhere... Yes yes yes yes i fucking approved fuck yesssss
Kenrio chapter 5 . 4/28
Is really difficult to read about a mc that is so weak and have a quirk without any potential. Is best if he work as cop because as hero with his useles power he wil die fast
Kenrio chapter 1 . 4/28
To op ? His power are shit useless
ROCuevas chapter 61 . 2/8
Really awesome work.
JT Phillips chapter 1 . 2/1
Hi, I love this story so much. I do fanfics on Wattpad and I was wondering if I could do a different version of this story.
Bridd chapter 1 . 1/31
Well, thats a very boring quirk I tell you. You say its powerfull but in gaming language that pretty much a stun, one thats very easy for any enemy to avoid by having glasses on.
loligang chapter 57 . 10/26/2019
what about tsuyu
Kolo555 chapter 1 . 10/20/2019
Honestly the quirk is lame and boring. No nothing exciting or anything. Disappointing.
Kolo555 chapter 1 . 10/20/2019
Weak as fuck.
Josuke21 chapter 60 . 10/20/2019
Are you going to continue with this fanfic, the manga is already past a couples of mouths in the story.
ajolnac.5 chapter 1 . 9/30/2019
Not bad
13RoniN13 chapter 29 . 6/25/2019
My boy a sniper
Guest chapter 60 . 5/8/2019
For a future fanfic idea try berserk the oc is someone guts came across before canon and even ended up saving and seeing how young oc is guts took him in wanting to find a good home for oc since guts childhood is pretty shitty but he becomes attached to oc and during golden age arc the oc is 6 and when they meet the band of the hawk the oc becomes attached to casca which leads to guts leaving oc with her after the war the oc biological mother could be a witch so he can use magic tho it doesn’t really activate untill the eclipse when oc wanted to help casca which lets casca keep some of her mind intact tho only the parts pertaining to the oc she can still speak normally and after the eclipse the oc leaves with guts and when they meet schierke the witch girl is when oc is 15 and gets told about his magic potential and starts wielding a sword and staff like Gandalf from lord of the rings and oc is paired with schierke
ROCuevas chapter 60 . 3/22/2019
Quite awesome job.
ROCuevas chapter 59 . 3/3/2019
Nicely done as always.
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