Reviews for Coping Mechanisms
calli0p3 chapter 1 . 4/6/2018
That was amazing. I didn't see the twist coming... but when it did, it made perfect sense. You'd laid just enough clues.
Everybody was perfectly in character. The dialogue felt like it was straight out of the show. Thanks for posting!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/26/2016
That is so raw and beautiful. I love it. Totally crying right now.
IndyStarkDeanJr chapter 1 . 11/23/2016
Hey ...

That's ... I really don't know. You made me smile because of the quality of your dialogues between House and Cuddy. You made my smile disappeared too.
From the start, I realize something was wrong, strange too, I found out what was going on. It is a beautiful story because you show us the link between House and Cuddy, how closed they are. And I smile again at that thought. The end is very clever : the fact that Wilson tals to him but doesn't really want to see him. Clever.
House's always going to be here.
Amazing. Thank you.
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 1 . 11/21/2016
Amazing writing...seriously well done.
Huddy92 chapter 1 . 11/21/2016
Please keep going it! It was a cool start
Brighid45 chapter 1 . 11/21/2016
I guess it doesn't really matter if House is a genuine ghost or just Cuddy's (and Wilson's) grief and loneliness manifesting in wishful thinking; House himself says it-'define real'. His memory lives on in Cuddy, Wilson and everyone he worked with, for good or for ill, and he was a powerful presence in life. So it makes sense he would be just as powerful in death. And Cuddy and Wilson did love him, in their own messed-up ways (not casting stones, we're all messed up to some degree).
'Are you staying?' 'Till you're asleep.' That says it all. Excellent story.
anon004 chapter 1 . 11/20/2016
You know, I've always found these types of stories where the characters are having ordinary conversations and interactions with dead characters to be a little contrived. That was until I realized that, as a fan fiction writer myself, I carry around all these characters inside me and imagine scenarios and dialog, and, yes, I use them to help me cope, as well, especially under the current circumstances.
House is such an indelible character that I can't imagine knowing him personally the way Cuddy and Wilson do and being able to give up the interaction, even if it only occurs in your own mind.
This was very subtly done and I enjoyed it. Nice work.
Robin chapter 1 . 11/20/2016
This was brilliant. I had to go back and read it twice to catch come of the clues you leave that House is dead. What you don't explain is how he died? I'm kind of assuming he did not recover from the DBS? I know this is a one-shot, but maybe you could add a second chapter that gives us the story behind the story. really liked this.
OldSFfan chapter 1 . 11/20/2016
Surprising twist!
kotofyr chapter 1 . 11/20/2016
That is simply beautiful. Also heartbreaking, and thoughtful. Thank you for this wonderful piece.

As a side note, let me express my admiration of the fact that every piece you write manages to sound different, in a different voice, and at at a different pace. I'm in awe of a writer who can vary their style so. This breadth of creative scope is something that makes me think of an actor we all know. Hat's off!