Reviews for Broken Apart, Together Healing
Dawn of Chaos chapter 1 . 2/6/2017
As "disgusting" as it may seem with what they went through, and it is, this is still a beautiful little bout of healing for them and you did wonderfully showing that. Great job hun!
jojoDO chapter 1 . 11/25/2016
Hmmmm... I don't get it. They were gang banged, and now they feel bad about it? But why were they enjoying it? I guess there's something else I have to read before i get this one lol

Anyways, this was a very sweet and tender moment between the two beautiful ninjas. I hope they find happiness *o*
ScarletVirus33 chapter 1 . 11/21/2016
Aw Major why are you apologizing? Everybody knows in some circumstances that it's absolute hell to get to heaven. Not all stories can be rainbows and unicorns, so a cold dose of reality can do some good sometime.

Now I don't know what Kasumi and Momiji went through but those litte snippets of the two kunoichis in the throes of faux passion pretty much let me know it wasn't mutual at first. Best thing is you didn't have to get too graphic in order for the reader to get what was going on with our heroines.

The struggle of the two kunoichis trying to get over their trauma made for very compelling reading. Although words of love and support were uttered between the two it really wasn't necessary. I can picture the look in their eyes and the subtle gesture of holding hands that'll go a long way in the healing process.

I read some dark stories involving the darkest of subjects and more often than not they don't end well. But at the end of this tale I came away with a glimmer of hope that with time Kasumi and Momiji will be back to their old selves in no time (especially with my girl Ayane looking after them).

So until next time this SV33 of the U.S.S. Perversion signing off!
Drinkie chapter 1 . 11/19/2016
The flash-backs are from the two Kunoichi SFM movies correct? i've seen a couple of small clips of them and they are not my thing anyway i'm sure that the two wives will be able to clean themselves of the corrupt temptation bought about by that demon filth
YuriChan220 chapter 1 . 11/18/2016
Well since you haven't written in a while, I guess this is the time, right? And don't worry! This is a perfect example of "show, not tell" stories. So, I thank YOU for that. :)

This is one of the best Kasumi x Momiji stories ever! I mean them as beautiful wives...dang! It's so wonderful to imagine them like this~!

Keep up the great writing and thanks again~