Reviews for Unfortunate Mistakes
Krishnaa chapter 22 . 11/7/2019
This is a beautifully written fic...thanks for the great read!
LeonoraChris chapter 22 . 9/8/2017
Honestly, this story made me want to cry and hug d'Artagnan so many times and basically hide him away from rest of the world and bundle him up with plenty of love and warm happy feelings, in a la-la land of rainbows, sunshine and kittens, to make up for all the emotional hurt. This one really was horrible for him. Still, both he and I made it through the whole thing and it was lovely, in the end. Lol. Thank you.
1monster2 chapter 22 . 4/3/2017
Sorry it took me so long to read this story (got kinda busy with stuff), but OHMIGOSH THIS IS FANTASTIC HOLY CRAP! :). I literally binge-read this on the way back from London, and I loved it! :). (Can I punch those idiot Musketeers? ;) ) BTW, I love how you write brotherly comfort moments between all of the boys! :)
Can't wait to read your next story! :)
fredandgeorgerule chapter 7 . 1/28/2017
d'artagnan got sick? how... wait didnt serge say something about bread and d'artagnan's sause and now he said he hadnt make any bread... shit
MusketeerAdventure chapter 14 . 12/25/2016
Happy Holidays!

I sat down to read your story this Christmas morning as a treat to myself before beginning the hectic day that usually accompanies celebrations such as this. I thought to read all the way through – because as always I enjoy your stories immensely and this one is no exception!

However, after reading this chapter – I could not go any further without commenting. That this ….. this is magnificent.

The start of this chapter; with d’Artagnan, in despair – resigning himself to a decision that will not only have him leave the people he loves; but also effectively terminate a long held dream was heartbreaking. You depicted his sense of demoralization perfectly…very tragic. All due to an unintentional, “unfortunate mistake” series of mistakes. A mistake with the nutmeg, I am holding on to that is not entirely his fault.

But what got me most about this chapter, was how fate intervened. How Treville, in hopes to help d’Artagnan, decides to send him out to meet with the others; how just when Athos (his true lifeline) needs him the most – he is there to grab hold.
You write his desperation to hold on so vividly that the reader is gasping for breath along with him. Athos’ – unwillingness to bring d’Artagnan over the edge with him; the loss of another brother too much to bear… d’Artagnan just as unwilling to let go – was wonderfully done! Your back and forth of such raw emotions was very affecting.

When they both careened over the edge – I screamed too!

Now that they are both broken (physically and emotionally) at the bottom of this cliff, I wonder how you will have them come to some terms and put themselves back together. I am spent (in a good way), and will treat myself to the rest of your great story tomorrow!

Thank you for this!
Tidia chapter 22 . 12/16/2016
I was hoping you would resolve some of the animosity towards d'Artagnan. Glad Garon spread the word. Great story. Happy belated birthday and happy holidays!
wotumba1 chapter 22 . 12/16/2016
glad he's back for good.
and that the other are starting to accept him :)
wotumba1 chapter 21 . 12/16/2016
good punishment for those involved. gotta love treville!
Shadow DarkFlower chapter 22 . 12/15/2016
Excellent ending to another excellent story!
Issai chapter 22 . 12/15/2016
I am happy that things started to look better and that Garon acted with some honor.
Thank you for this excellent story!
Issai chapter 21 . 12/15/2016
No surprise that d'Artagnan feels betrayed. But good that Aramis and Porthos revealed the truth.
And restored his belongings! :)
Helensg chapter 22 . 12/15/2016
All loose ends nicely tied
Have a good Christmas
Issai chapter 20 . 12/15/2016
I liked thd way Arhos talked to d'Art. Though it's hardly to believe Athos being responsible for a fire ;)
I liked the ease with which Porthos and Aramis forgave d'Artagnan :)
f1gymnast chapter 22 . 12/15/2016
D'Artagnan shows that he is a good man and the others finally see it. Thanks for the story! :)
Issai chapter 19 . 12/15/2016
Once Athos needed d'Artagnan's touch and the boy denied it..
I hope Athos will survive. He is the only one who can save the boy.

I loved Aramis taking of his brothers :)
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