Reviews for A Serenade Of Interruptions
fuckyeahBarson chapter 3 . 1/4/2019
This is so amazing; all of your Barson stories are! Thanks for sharing. You rock!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/23/2018
I love this story! Thanks for sharing! And thanks for including Mike Dodds, I really miss the guy and there are so little stories in which Mike’s portrayed :(
Guest chapter 2 . 9/23/2018
One of the best Barson stories I’ve ever read! I’m reading it for the 4th! time; still amazing! Thanks for sharing!
Lunasent chapter 1 . 3/25/2018
So this is where Fia came from. I like it!
barsonaddict chapter 2 . 3/3/2017
Ah, I just love this so much!
Gwen chapter 2 . 1/22/2017
Please make this a series! It's so beautifully created.
scintillateworld chapter 2 . 1/11/2017
This was so perfect! I love that they both told each other they love one another. So amazing. And the Lucia interruption was just too funny. Such a great story!
BJ chapter 2 . 1/9/2017
Great ending. There are just so cute together. Thanks for posting.
LoveDexter11 chapter 2 . 1/10/2017
Such a cute story. Theyake such a great couple. I love both of them.
BenoightLangson chapter 2 . 1/8/2017
Loved it. I'm surprised Lucia didn't show up at Liv's though.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/1/2017
Please update!
LizzieB chapter 1 . 12/28/2016
Just found this story and it's great! Delighted to see Mike Dodds featuring as I absolutely love him and can't believe that he's gone. Please please continue...
kohee chapter 1 . 11/21/2016
Omigosh how did I miss this?! :S I am loving it so far, love the subtleness of the Barba/Liv relationship, and the dynamic between the Barba family is just written so well. My heart broke along with Liv when Fia appeared with no context of being Raf's cousin - but luckily that got straightened in a jiffy! Can't wait for you continue this :)
SilentDaughter chapter 1 . 11/18/2016
I love Barson and I hope you decide to continue on with this fic.
scintillateworld chapter 1 . 11/16/2016
I am so excited about this. I loved this first chapter. Everything was just perfect. I honestly don't know how you keep doing it, but I love your stories so much.

I can't wait for more.
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