Reviews for The Court Dancer
hana-chanxox chapter 11 . 5/23
Thank you soooo much for updating! I love your story so much - especially as I personally love ballet and Atobe is my fave character XD
mapl3nin2cool chapter 11 . 5/22
Welcome back! Even though it’s been a really long time, I still remember quite a bit of the story, so I wasn’t completely lost when I read this chapter. As always, I enjoyed the sense of humor you put into the characters and the chapter overall. The part when Tezuka went silent after Hikari mentioned that he has never fallen in love… that caught me off-guard (see what I did there? lol)! I’m really curious how you’re going to write his backstory here. And I can see now why the title of this chapter is named that way. How clever. xP It’s funny how even outside of tennis, Atobe and Tezuka are still rivals.

I hope you also stay safe and healthy during this difficult time! :)
Donunut chapter 10 . 2/27
Hello! Just wanted to tell youbthat this fic is very cute! I hope this fic will be finished.
Avonberryi chapter 7 . 1/3
Omg I can't. I'm dying of laughter imagining Atobe in a janitors outfit and caught by his team mates hahahahaha
puffett chapter 10 . 9/29/2019
Awe~ thank u for mentioning me 3 I ship these two so hard. Keep it uppppp~ I'll always wait
mapl3nin2cool chapter 10 . 9/21/2019
You have no idea how happy I was when I saw the notification this morning (according to my time zone)! I missed this story a lot! I understand how difficult writing can be and real life can get in the way, so I didn’t have a problem waiting. :)

I agree with your point about Kabaji. He may look scary and big but he’s actually a big softie. It’s sad that he got bullied but thank goodness Atobe found out and stepped in. I’m so glad you decided to give him a bigger role in this version. It’ll be very interesting and exciting to see how you will have him affect Atobe’s character development, considering that most Atobe fanfics I’ve read usually leaves Kabaji out or puts him in the backseat.

Uh, oh, Atobe found out Tezuka’s injured… this isn’t going to turn out well later on, I can tell. And Atobe has so many nicknames now. xD

Looking forward to the next chapter! Can’t wait to see more of the Seigaku regulars with Hikari and Tezuka. x3
Matchamatcha chapter 9 . 9/17/2019
Hellooo! I was giggling from start to finish - especially in the revelation of the ghosts HAHAHHA you captured the Hyotei and Seigaku regulars really well, especially their banter with each other! I also liked how you kept Tezuka in character - the strong but silent brother, who keeps his sister in line with his words of wisdom and protection. Hikari’s relationship with him is so sweet and you portrayed it really well!

And omg. Hikari and Atobe. HAHAHHAHA. Trust Atobe to have a statue and posters of himself at school. And naturally, he can get them removed in a blink of an eye. Naturally.

I’m looking forward to reading more! I really enjoyed what you have written! I’m really excited to see more interactions between Hikari and other tennis regulars and Atobe, of course! Thank you for writing this and have a wonderful day!
puffett chapter 9 . 6/12/2019
I want more
zhiell chapter 9 . 6/9/2019
Great chapter. The regulars were spot on with their reactions, I think. Hoping for the next chapterrr.
mapl3nin2cool chapter 9 . 6/8/2019
Aaaah, it’s been so long but worth the wait. Another great chapter! I was wondering when Hikari will meet the Seigaku regulars, and here it is! You kept each of them pretty well in character (Ryoma’s blunt remarks made me chuckle).

Looks like Hikari is slowly starting to go against her brother, like not listening to one of his advises and not keeping her word that she’s not going to go to the court anymore… that’s not going to be good once Tezuka finds out it’s all because of Atobe. Uh, oh! His “overprotective brother” mode is going to be problematic for Hikari.

Can’t wait to find out what happens next! :)
rentamiya chapter 8 . 5/11/2019
Uh oh atobe realised it. I just hope he won’t stop liking “princess” though. I feel like they fit together as couple. I hope she will also reach her dreams pf becoming the greatest dancer.
DetyDuns chapter 8 . 5/3/2019
Can't believe Keigo actually shrunked the hole hahaha I was also laughing with the story about the ghosts, the mistery is solved! And then I went all uwu with Keigo trying to get her to trust people again, I'm sure it make take some time for Hikari but she'll get there, and he is giving her a whole mansion for her to dance i him.

Can't wait to see what's going to happen now that he knows Tezuka is her brother, and I can't wait to see the rest of the characters appear in the next chapters, I'll be looking forward to it!
mapl3nin2cool chapter 8 . 4/27/2019
Love this chapter! Your descriptions of the garden and the way you write the body language are to the point. That's part of what I love about your story. I’ve said something this before, but I can clearly picture what’s happening in my head. x3

And you just had to end it in another cliffhanger! Gaah, I’m excited to know what Atobe is going to do now that he knows!

Looking forward to the next update!
Yumi22 chapter 8 . 4/27/2019
i don't think atobe hated tezuka in canon though... but if this is how you wanted for your story then.. oh well.
DetyDuns chapter 7 . 4/15/2019
I can only imagine Hikari's reaction when she discovers that Janitor-san is the pervert vampire XD Hopefully she will choose Hyotei cause I need to see more of these two together! Also I didn't get to read the original version of your fic but I'm loving this version a lot so I hope you continue with it! Thanks for your hard work!
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