Reviews for A Place to Call Home
MSofiaGuZa chapter 92 . 7/18
Omg this is My favorita fic ever. Please continue it! And more angst between lorelai and Luke plsss
lorelaidanesgilmore chapter 92 . 6/13
Update pls I know I’m late in the ball game of reading this story. But I really love it and you have to finish it! It’s too much to handle if you don’t. 92 chapters and you left us on the biggest cliffhanger ever. It’s just like AYITL!
XandraBree chapter 92 . 3/21
I love this story! ive read it 3 times and cant get enough. update soon!
kingemhov chapter 1 . 4/22/2019
Gaaah, please continue! I love this story, I just need to know what will happen next!
JuceMare chapter 92 . 1/30/2019
Okay, I've read the entire story from beginning to end. I have to know how it will end. What is going to happen with Luke and Lorelai? What is going to happen with Jess? Please continue the story!
Sondrasr chapter 92 . 12/15/2018
Wow! I love that lane was there for Rory and that Paris was there for Jess. I like Lorelai's compromise for Rory for Chicago. I am glad that Lorelai finally told Luke about not wanting anymore kids. I can understand Luke wanting time to think. I just hope that they are able to work everything I it. They make such a cute couple.
Droolia chapter 92 . 12/11/2018
Wow. There was a lot going on. I'm glad lorelai decided to go to Chicago with Rory. That makes the most sense to me.

So happy Jess has such a great friend in Paris. I'm trying to imagine him at Yale with them... interesting.

Is Grace anywhere near where Ryan's going? Does he know for sure or does he think it's all in the same state, how far could it be? CA is huge. Is Jimmy our in CA too? If do, maybe Jess and Luke will go too.
Nancy chapter 92 . 12/10/2018
So many little snippets of conversations involving all of the kids and their situations. Progress was made; Ryan having a sneaky meeting with his old girlfriend is NOT a good idea. Paris, however, was remarkable in a good way. Good talk with Luke about all three girls going to Chicago. And, Jess could help Luke with the "Jimmy" situation. But, Lorelai knowing for forever that she did not want more kids and just NOW telling him that has broken his heart. He had visions of them having their own child; now he has only pain. And, he is alone - the whole world of the family individuals and their plans weighing so heavily upon his heart and his shoulders. It hurts. Thanks. More soon please.
Sarah chapter 92 . 12/10/2018
I think that you should have lorelai change her mind
Guest chapter 92 . 12/10/2018
I love this. I am looking forward to the next chapter with how this all resolves and I am hoping it won't be as long as the last one bc now our lovebirds are sleeping in different houses!
Sondrasr chapter 91 . 11/9/2018
Great chapter. Such a nice open heart to heart with Jess and Lorelai. I love that they can talk so honestly with each other. I can only hope that when Jess talks to Luke that they can be equally as honest.
Droolia chapter 91 . 11/2/2018
Lorelai is such a great mom to all of them. Jess is so lucky to have her.
Guest chapter 91 . 10/31/2018
Jess is so right. He doesn't deserve to be grounded. Not even for part of the summer. Luke and Lorelai lied to him. That was so wrong of them. They're not even sorry about that. They feel they had the right to keep something from Jess. Well, Jess had the right to find out what that was. He shouldn't be punished for that. I wasn't impressed with the talk between Jess and Lorelai. Jess is way to forgiving. Luke and Lorelai don't deserve his forgiveness. Not until they realize that they were the ones in the wrong.
hollyj-13 chapter 91 . 10/30/2018
Great story! an idea maybe, is that jess could be waiting to ask luke the questions he wants to know but luke needs some time off like breather, but then jess get sick - like sore stomach that type of stuff and luke is like looking after jess, making him feel better and they have a heart to heart and they get across the questions jess wanted to know about or atleast some of them :)
Nancy chapter 91 . 10/30/2018
It was indeed a good talk. Lorelai helped ease Jess' mind a little, letting him know that he is loved and protected by both Luke and Lorelai. But, it is very clear that Jess and Luke have to have a good conversation because only Luke has the answers to the questions that Jess has. (Lorelai saying that Luke is worried that Jess will like Jimmy more/better and will want to be with him instead of Luke reminds of Luke thinking that April would like Lorelai better than himself - just thinking about that). Thanks. It was a needed conversation and Lorelai, with her ease, has helped better prepare Jess for his needed conversation with Luke. Thanks so much. More soon for us please.
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