Reviews for Steven Universe: Universal Collision
WhatAmIDoingWithMyLife1 chapter 1 . 6/23
anyone alive here?
Dia chapter 12 . 11/29/2019
This was a pleasant surprise. I decided to look back at this story today for the first time in months, and saw that it had received a new installment, at long last! Glad to have you back Forerunner! Missed this story and I'm glad to see its still going.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/22/2019
I wouldn't be surprised if Amethyst starts copying Johnathon's swears. She'll think it's funny till Pearl goes ape-shit on her for saying 'using such language!' XD
OMAC001 chapter 12 . 8/1/2019
Hope Johnny, Steven, and the Gems can make it out in time!
The Shadow Monarch chapter 9 . 7/27/2019
Johnathan and Jefferson. Idiots. Fucking morons. I mean really? Gemkind did bad sht but by default, we'll lump you in with them. Mankind does fuck up shit but we'll excuse you from the rest of our race. Nice. Equality.
The Shadow Monarch chapter 8 . 7/27/2019
Johnathan is a annoying main character, holy shit. Could he act like the veteran he is? Geez what a embarrassment.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/23/2019
Nice speech about independence. Really moving.
Big Time chapter 10 . 7/5/2019
Id like to say one MAJOR error you have. the gems have developed intergalactic travel, as confirmed in "log date 8 1 52" when garnet remarks homeworld is in another galaxy, which would put them vastly beyond the AU humans in your canon, also, im pretty sure gems can travel to other dimensions, as rose quartz created a pocket dimension inside lions mane, and gem tech created the extra dimensional crystal temple. this is about the canon, not your writing, although you got to cut back on the detail a bit.
Dragonstone chapter 5 . 7/5/2019
you are doing very well, except that you are doing some over detailing. this is not TV, so we don't want too much detail in the fight scenes, also, the conversations say the same thing a few times before getting to the point, other than that, you are doing a good job, just remember to cut down on the details a bit to keep things interesting, not too much though, but we can fill the space with our minds as the readers
Guest chapter 3 . 7/5/2019
one, back when ametheyst says "so not a gem" pearl would have said that, otherwise, you got it spot on
Guest chapter 2 . 7/5/2019
this is basically a steven universe star trek crossover, but im very intrigued, love the character and world building, excellent job. cant wait to read the next chapter (i might even read it all in one sitting i did that to the longest harry potter book.
Fanfiction Scrutinizer chapter 7 . 6/20/2019
Don't know how that formatting issue occurred in my previous comment.


"His eyes narrowed, an edge to his shook like a leaf, pupils the size of pinpricks."
Fanfiction Scrutinizer chapter 7 . 6/20/2019
This is where I stopped.

Between the extremely out of place pop culture references (that Jonathan shouldn't even have knowledge of).

Jonathan's absolutely childish and rotten behaviour ill fitting of someone of his rank. He's an awful character, very unlikeable.

Hardly any of the Crystal Gems properly standing up to said behaviour.

The constant walls of text and the expository robotic dialogue from everyone except the Steven Universe cast. The fact that you tell us something three times despite a character already stating it: in fact, that's another major problem with this piece, it's that you repeat something we already know ad nauseum. I end up just skipping most of the paragraphs you spent hours toiling over.

"Show, don't tell". You're telling us he spoke "in a threatening tone" or "she was frightened", show us how they are feeling. Example:

"His eyes narrowed, an edge to his shook like a leaf, pupils the size of pinpricks."

That engages the reader a helluva lot more and invests them into your story. They can picture it clearly.

Learn from this and improve.
hope chapter 12 . 6/17/2018
Stay strong brother, we love you and hope you do well
vicmic555 chapter 12 . 6/14/2018
its good to know that your still here and cant wait for the next chapter see you later have good night or day.
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