Reviews for Stormy Night
Prisma19 chapter 14 . 6/3
This is now my favorite story of the Batfamily. This was so hilarious. I love how you managed to write Bruce and everyone in character, even when they showed their emotions and were being funny. Dick’s answers during his interrogaton where so funny and things he would totally say. I loved Jason’s characterization and everyone else’s in this story, you did an amazing job writing them. Now I wish Jason would actually say these things in the comics. I also wish there were some stories like this in the DC comics, because it’s about time we got more stories of them being together as a family and we need more silly moments like this between the family members. Thank You so much for writing this story.
RenesmeVivio chapter 14 . 1/3
That was wonderful and sweeet sitting with your gramps in front of a warm fire, ahhhhh feels good.
RenesmeVivio chapter 13 . 1/3
Love their interaction soooo much ... oh and I was wondering where the hell is Damian hiding? And oooh he’s school aboard in the Himalayas wow.
RenesmeVivio chapter 12 . 1/3
RenesmeVivio chapter 11 . 1/3
Thank god my boys are okay phew
RenesmeVivio chapter 10 . 1/3
Oh nooooooo poor Dickie
RenesmeVivio chapter 9 . 1/3
Wow just woooow
RenesmeVivio chapter 8 . 1/3
Oh boy
RenesmeVivio chapter 7 . 1/3
To the rescue
RenesmeVivio chapter 6 . 1/3
OMGGGGG interrogation tiiiiime ... Oh Jaybird where are youuuu?!
RenesmeVivio chapter 5 . 1/3
JAAAAY DICK IS STILL THEEEERE and yay he even knocked out Timbo before the later SAY THE DAMN WORDS oh booooy
RenesmeVivio chapter 4 . 1/3
Jeez those enemies are multiplying FAST
RenesmeVivio chapter 3 . 1/3
Oh Timmy please be okay
RenesmeVivio chapter 2 . 1/3
Those people are seriously strong ... scary
RenesmeVivio chapter 1 . 1/3
Sounds good
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