Reviews for Rebirth
Guest chapter 39 . 11/19/2019
Guest chapter 39 . 10/15/2019
Hope you haven’t given up on this story
TheGreenKnightOfTheForest chapter 39 . 9/29/2019
Such a great story. Please update soon.
Guest chapter 39 . 8/14/2019
Hope you haven’t given up I love this story️
BrookeWorm3 chapter 39 . 7/10/2019
Either a sequel or update please, thanks!
Guest chapter 39 . 6/17/2019
Hope you haven’t given up I love this story
Guest chapter 39 . 6/11/2019
Glad about the updates, hope to have one soon.
Guest chapter 39 . 4/2/2019
Can’t wait for them to reunite
Emmy07 chapter 39 . 2/8/2019
I feel bad for getting to reviewing this so late but school has kicking my ass, so I've had little to no time to review. But as soon as I saw the email that you updated, I SCREAMED and clicked on the link so fast, you don't even know. I LOVED this chapter and I'm so happy to see that you didn't abandon this story (because usually, writer's on here will say they'll update again when they can but then never come back, which is heartbreaking for reader's like me that get so engrossed in the story). So I'm elated that a talented writer with an incredible, gripping story is still updating it! I hope to see another chapter from you soon! :)
Kitkatcait chapter 1 . 1/8/2019
Please please please please please update? I’m in tears...
Dawnie7 chapter 39 . 12/20/2018
Oh dear, the pit of dread is REAL! You know, I knew, or was at least pretty convinced that this would of course happen at some point, but then just like Rori I let The Kingdom Effect take over my better sense and the thought completely left my mind until Jerry was leading her to Shiva, and then it came rushing back to me like, oh...OHHHHHH! Daryl is going on be in there and shit is going to go down, and then it didn't. Then I was getting paranoid over every single thing. I was convinced she'd be found out at Hilltop, then she wasn't. Then I too got distracted by the baby (because, seriously!) and by the time Daryl spotted her...again, eek! Ha! I swear I felt physical panic the second he pounced on
her. Oh man...
Also such a strong outting of a chapter just with the growth between Rori and Molly. The growth and development of not just their relationship but of Rori herself...lot of good it got her, but you know... *shrugs*
O, and Happiest of Holidays to you and yours!
Guest chapter 39 . 12/1/2018
This chapter was lovely. I can't wait for more! I was gonna go to sleep before I got the notification, but just has to read!
Guest chapter 39 . 12/1/2018
Haven't read the newest chapter yet. Just got the notification a minute ago. I am so freaking stoked you updated. Thank you Author. I'm gonna go read it now. I AM SO EXCITED. THANK YOU
Eowyn628 chapter 39 . 11/30/2018
Another great chapter. I love that Rori got to see the baby. It makes me sad to hear Daryl say such things to her...she saved him.
Guest chapter 38 . 11/12/2018
If my comments in the reviews were rude before, I am sorry. Im just so passionate about this story. The writing is so good, I grieve as she does. This is honest to God the best story I've ever read. It's made me cry so much. I'll wait paitienly for you to update, but I wanted to say thank you for writing this!
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