Reviews for Disillusioned
Spazzman29 chapter 1 . 7/19
I don't know why you felt the need to emphasize that Ron and Hermione are also by his side (They aren't, they showed where their loyalties lie in the summer before fifth year and it isn't to Harry).

Ron and Tracey is just no. What did Tracey do to be saddled with that waste of space?

I liked Harry and Daphne's relationship though.
mrfresh chapter 1 . 7/13
Thank you for sharing this story. It was a very pleasant take on the Yule Ball and I enjoyed reading it.
Hank1967 chapter 1 . 3/14
Cute story! Really enjoyed it! Is there going to be a sequel?
BillBrink chapter 1 . 2/14
Thanks for sharing this warm story.
dephunkt chapter 1 . 11/8/2018
completely agree that the idea that Harry doesn't know his classmates' names is stupid. they only have about 20 people in each class!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/27/2017
is still thought that hermoine was mean not telling her friends about her date.
ThunderSphinx chapter 1 . 8/6/2017
Good story! But you *never* told us what Daphne was wearing to the Yule Ball, lol. Why didn't you?
Emperor Andross chapter 1 . 5/9/2017
Good story, shame it was over so quick.
xNaruHina chapter 1 . 12/5/2016
This was a very cute story and the concepts were pretty amazing.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/5/2016
As many time as Ron save harry life seem funny that he would not trust him over a fight, Like Ron with Tracy. And I glad they ask the question about why she did not tell him. As a friend that would hurt
PaC chapter 1 . 11/4/2016
Will offer only a few suggestions that won't need pages to explain.

Consider moderating the part where Harry seems IMO a bit extreme in hot headed judgemental anti Slytherin ranting, where in a sense, bit hypocritical in so paranoid anti Skytherin anti Daphne. Makes it a jarring flip flop post Daphne's apology. In a way, his prejudice view, about as bad as Daphne laughing along with Pansy. Perhaps he should have also apologized.
Missing: Daphne apologizing TO HERMIONE, the actual "giggled about" offended party.
Bit weird and obsequious toward rant boy Harry, when the apology more apropos if made to Hermione.
Imagine if Hermione noted Daphne going along with some ridicule of Harry, confronts Daphne, who apologizes to Hermione, but not apologize to Harry.
The nutty cliché, of a brain dead Harry (and Ron), NOT knowing Daphne's name. Why fics continue to copy this idiot trope, is incomprehensible. Classes are SMALL, and at least besides sorting, we have Flitwick and Snape call roll, remember, "Potter. Our new celebrity." Professors call on students BY NAME, how can Harry NOT know names of year mates, plus when Daphne in most fics is gorgeous. Yet a teen Harry doesn't know her name¿? Lol.
The first kiss and after, fic's seems a rush. Some hints and almost touches or near kiss teasing (the readers) moments, might work better, than bang, she kisses Harry, out if the blue... surprise.
Vi38 chapter 1 . 11/2/2016
Excellent story
tetecia chapter 1 . 11/2/2016
zomg you dont understand how excited this made me...ok, I'm lying, you totally Do! okay, im done hyperventilating