Reviews for ICW: International Championship Wrestling
theDarkRyder chapter 48 . 10/14/2017
ICW Immortality! 12 Ups, ZERO Downs!

Immortality was, without a doubt, the best PPV in WFA history.

That's not an over exaggeration on my part, Immortality is going to be very hard to top, because of it's memorable moments and incredible matches. Way of the Hawk has proved himself to be once again the premier author in the WFA. So without further ado, I'm Dave Meltzer Ryder here, and let's begin!


12: Surreal Victory.

Drago-Surrealist was an excellent opener, as both men put on an good match. In the end, Surrealist Morrow pulled off the victory, which makes sense after all, why have Drago win when you could promote your new heel faction. As for the match itself, it gets 3 1/2 stars.

11: Overcoming Violence

The tag match between the New Shield and the NOV was also pretty well done, I have to say. Both teams tried as hard as they could to overcome each other, but in the end the New Shield triumphed. 3 3/4 stars.

10: Tranquilo, Nattie!

La Chica Fuego received her comeuppance when Katie Striker managed to defeat her, with some help from none other than the coolest man in wrestling, Tetsuya fuckin' Naito! The most talked about moment of this match was Natio giving DJ Kingston a Destino, but the match was perfectly fine on its own. 3 1/2 stars!

9: Hunting Down The Wolf!

This match was really good! This was a rivalry that was built up since the early days of ICW, and both Seth and Matt gave their all. Matt having already defeated Seth several times before, was about to score the win when none other than E-Baum made the save for Matt! 3 3/4 stars for the match!

8: Slaying the Monster!

Brutus Vicious vs Furno Moxley was absolutely fucking AWESOME! Both men were clearly trying to kill each other, and it showed! They threw everything at each other but in the end, Furno won, with the help of a fucking banana peel! This match was insane, and it earns a 4 1/2 stars rating!

7: Building A Fortress:

Team Brutal have been the tag champs since ICW's first PPV, and both Wolfgang and Team Brutal have been tremendous as ICW Tag Team Champions-but one this night, they finally met their match as the Fortress managed to score the win and become new ICW Tag Team Champions, bringing the belts to the Dark Family in what was a great tag match! 4 1/4 stars!

6: Feeling the Blade!

This was an absolutely epic match that would've been match of the night, except for two other matches on the card. CJ Hawk and Chris Blade absolutely delivered in this barn-stormer of a match, where the undefeated CJ Hawk was finally defeated. 4 3/4 stars!

5: Icon vs Icon

This match was the greatest women's match in WFA history, and it certainly delivered, with Brianna and Carson giving it their all in one hell of a performance. 4 3/4 Stars!

4: Booking Yourself Out Of a Corner...

... I feel like I should explain.

You see, I'm pretty sure that what was originally planned was to have Freund and Thunder, as the underdog team, to overcome the big bad Monarchy. However, Alex the Owl made it so that Freund and Thunder broke up as a Tag Team, and as such, they couldn't win the belts. So logically having the Monarchy win was the only option. However, I would've liked it if the match was longer, because honestly having the final match in the tournament be this short felt kind of anti-climactic. No Match rating.

3: Fuck Hitler!

This match was- in a word, absolutely bloody insane. Ralston's "Morrigan's Child" form delivered, and Genocide was game too. Both these men beat the living shit out of each other, and I can appreciate that. So this match earns the rare 5 star rating out of me. Fun fact: only three other matches in the WFA are 5 stars in my opinion. Escobar-Moxley at Crossroads, Freund-Thunder at UCW Eternal Glory, and Anthony-TriVolt at Fighting For Freedom.

2-The Prince vs the King of the Indies!

This match was epic! The entrances were great (shout out to Kanye West for rapping the Prince down the ramp. Damnit, I wish I had thought of that!) Both men delivered the goods...but the night was not over.

1: A New Challenger Appears!

Yes, "The Destroyer" Ben Jones was the leaders of the Dark Family! He made an immediate impact, taking out both Danger, and shockingly, Escobar to win the title with the Immortal Opportunity briefcase! Overall, this match earns a 4 3/4 stars!

So yeah, an epic PPV that was WOTH's finest hour. Good job man, I can't wait for Season 2!
DarkSoldier41 chapter 49 . 10/12/2017
Glad to know that there is going to be more in the future. Waiting for it.
LadyKatherine29 chapter 49 . 10/12/2017
One have a great vacation. Always good to just chill out and have fun. Two I loved the rather mysterious way you closed out. Very nicely done. Also I don't think anyone saw Ben Jones coming. So go you. What I would like to see when you bring this back. Is prehaps a go over of what the talents been up too. Since this crazy show. Loved it. You are doing great.
Daughter of the Mist chapter 49 . 10/12/2017
Looking forward to the next part. Glad to have taken this journey with you :)
JJ-the-Great chapter 49 . 10/12/2017
Great to hear submissions are coming around soon! As awhile, Immortality was amazing. Something to be really proud of! Cheers!
Daughter of the Mist chapter 48 . 10/12/2017
Holy...although the era is not considered holy. I was not expecting Ben Jones to debut like that but it was a really nice twist to Immortality 's ending. I really loved this chapter :)
VelocityRaptor chapter 48 . 10/12/2017
Well'p, with the Dark Family in control of ICW, we're f***ed.
DarkSoldier41 chapter 48 . 10/12/2017
Oh. My. Gawd. I didn't see coming the end. Fuckin' Ben Jones arrived! You nailed it with the end! The best so far!
LadyKatherine29 chapter 48 . 10/11/2017
This was worthy of the G1. You did an out standing job. No one saw this coming. Well I did not at any rate. Everyone got the stick. Monarcy got laid the fuck out hard. DJ and Nattie had a very bad night. As did the rest of Freddy's crew. It looks as if they just got kicked to the crub. The one true heel faction is here. The Dark Family, ran by Ben Jones says get out of my yard. Jay was left dumb founded. Good. Jazz was great, she said nothing until the end. The carnage was worthy of making Suzuki Gun smile. Flat out the lonely warrior would be impressed. You always bring it for the closer and this brought it.
Vampiric Storm chapter 48 . 10/11/2017
That was AMAZING! Immortality is easily the best ICW event so far! I can't wait to see the fallout.
LadyKatherine29 chapter 47 . 10/11/2017
Yes! Dead nazi! Naiz down! Will did himself, family and the world a grand favor. He likely killed the nazi. Or put him out for a few months. Still nazi went to the ER. :) holy crap that was insane. Just kept going until the final act. An what an act.
Mastodonbrawler365 chapter 47 . 10/5/2017
That match was epic
DarkSoldier41 chapter 47 . 10/5/2017
Well... I'm not surprised with the result here but it was a great match man.
Daughter of the Mist chapter 47 . 10/5/2017
Holy hell! It was worth the wait for this! Excellent writing, pacing and introductions of the family. Well done.
theDarkRyder chapter 47 . 10/5/2017
That was indeed one hell of a match. Will's Morrigan form delivered, and while I'm not the biggest fan of his character for several reasons, it was satisfying to see Ralston beat the hell out of Genocide.
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