Reviews for Deus Lo Vult
Bluzerker chapter 7 . 2/9
Man sooner or later there going to run out of sword brethren.
Bluzerker chapter 5 . 2/9
Aw man... how come most of these stories put out the Christian god out of these stories. Other religious gods are fare game to be real, but not the Lord. It just the fact that a hardcore crusader just said “oh Gods”. That makes me assume that Talan doesn’t believe in his religion anymore. does that confirm that in this story God doesn’t exist?
Melanthias chapter 7 . 12/10/2019
Melanthias here from web novel.

I enjoyed your story please keep it up
Josephat chapter 7 . 10/8/2019
I’ve just read through your fan fiction. I have to say it is an interesting premise and that your punctuation and grammar are good; there are no pressing issues with it. Of course I have to also say that your portrayal of the characters from Earth is, frankly, retarded. I’ll name one example, from the first chapter, where Talan (iirc) said that Aela was beneath him because she was a women. This is far from the attitude held by those in the medieval period (in fact in most time periods around the world). Not only did the medieval age see women in positions of power (although this was rare), but the most revered human in Christianity — besides Christ for obvious reasons — was St Mary, the Mother of God.
A more accurate portrayal of the attitude of their time was that their were very strict roles in which each gender occupied. I could talk about other issues I have with the portrayal of the characters of Earth and of their faith, but Ill leave it here for now.
Light20019 chapter 7 . 3/23/2019

What total war game?
KyliaQuilor chapter 7 . 5/25/2018
Fascinating. I hope you decide to update it. This is quite well written and a great fic idea.
KyliaQuilor chapter 1 . 5/25/2018
Intriguing idea. I like it.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/3/2018
I love who you call the knights out on their religion's hypocrisy.

Unlike others, who glorify knights as these unwavering idols, you show how historically they were pretty hypocritical and amoral. It shows how just because someone has these religious ideals that doesn't make them an ideal person.

Also, this is pretty accurate for the portrayal of knights from their birth status to their self-centered behavior. In a world like elder scrolls, you need more than beliefs in order to survive and i can see they will slowly learn that.
Doomeater chapter 7 . 2/13/2018
Awesome chapter as always my friend, can't wait to see what happens next :)
Alexis Martinez chapter 7 . 2/13/2018
Look I like this story but you do know that the jarl is a veteran of the great war in he's also a Nord these guys live for war and battle so I don't think that battle would really fase him, he probably saw worse in the great war. Also you got to remember that to most of the guards bandits are pretty lame.
Guest chapter 6 . 12/14/2017
Also, do you think you'll do any character development for anymore of Talan's men other than Till?

Jakkalz chapter 6 . 12/13/2017
Really enjoying this.

I hope you're still able to continue it, although your health is more important of course.

My thoughts are with you.
AyeJimmy123 chapter 6 . 10/9/2017
Doomeater chapter 6 . 10/8/2017
Awesome man!
rc48177 chapter 6 . 10/8/2017
Hope you recover your health. May the Gods of Earth and Nirn gift you a clean bill of health.
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