Reviews for Between
Ahenobarbi chapter 7 . 6/5/2018
Great story once again! He killed another kid named Mi'Kael during a soccer game which explains his unbelievable self control.
Teal06 chapter 7 . 3/4/2017
I really enjoyed this! I shipped Worf and Troi until I saw what the writers were doing with Jadzia...then it was a perfect match. I have a couple Worf/Jadzia stories I did years ago. They are on here. Nice job!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/29/2016
Thanks for the comments! We all know Worf and Deanna don't end up staying together so my goal is to explore why- both why they found comfort in one another and why they didn't last. I also wanted to give a little more depth as to why he didn't go back to the Enterprise after the new one was built.
deejordan5151 chapter 3 . 11/28/2016
I am enjoying the story so far. Once upon a time I was a Worf / Troy fan but I do prefer him with Jadzia. I'm interested to see where you take the story. I can't imagine Deanna fitting in on Qo'nos.
doikea chapter 1 . 10/27/2016
Looks very promising. An empaths insight is a wellcome addition. Cant wait for more!
Keronshara chapter 1 . 10/27/2016
Must be a shock to Deanna to see Worf not just with someone else, but to see him so close to someone, more than he ever was with anyone on the Enterprise, including her. I feel bad for her, but as a counselor she should have know better than to let her empathy be a reason/excuse/enabling for Worf not to communicate his thoughts and feelings with her. I think Deanna's empathy gave her a false sense of understanding Worf, since emotions don't tell his thoughts or his reasons for feeling those emotions, so unless he discussed the situation and emotions with her, she's making assumptions on what he's thinking and why he's feeling certain emotions. I bet she'll be even more shocked when she realizes that despite working with him for 7 years and dating him for 1-2 of those years, she didn't know him at all compared to Jadzia who'd only met him about 2 years ago. That will definitely hurt her ego, and her feelings.