Reviews for Too Late To Apologise
imfine12 chapter 9 . 2/8
I hope you continue this, I love protected Tony
Moleluv chapter 1 . 4/30/2019
yay someone who shares my point o view! I used to like Stony... Then I watched Civil War, and realised that Rodgers has become a self righteous dick with his head so far up his ass hed need a torch and a map to get back out again. Now I ship WinterIron and ThunderIron, though there are a few good Stony stories out there. If you ship WinterIron you should read warrior of the nile's stories, they're great.
KiTTzu chapter 1 . 9/24/2017
I don't mind Steve, but I HATE stony. PEPPERONY is my OTP! Except I will (reluctantly) read stony if the story sounds amazing. I'm really enjoying this story so far!
BT chapter 9 . 6/1/2017
Ok, I like Steve a bit more than you do, but I'm really enjoying this story. I don't quite understand Stony either...
I love how you're having everyone close ranks around Tony, and that they each have reasons for doing so.
Looking forward to updates.
Diaflower chapter 7 . 12/3/2016
For this story, I shall join you in your Steve hate, although not as much hate unless stuff happens. For now though, he is safe from me.
Selkis1701 chapter 7 . 11/25/2016
I'm with you! i hate rogers too
soph.likes.marvel chapter 7 . 11/25/2016
Kay imma tell u something here. I used to love Steve. But after civil war and everything? Hell to the no. Okay fam. Steve was perfectly fine and wonderful in the first avenger, but like STARON? Dafuq? And I feel like everyone is hating on Tony but IT WASNT HIS IDEA TO LOCK EVERYONE UP AND HE ALWAYS TAKES THE BLAME FOR EVERYTHING THEY DO AND GOD DAMMIT I HATE THIS
A chapter 7 . 11/25/2016
Team tony for the win! More please!
soph.likes.marvel chapter 6 . 10/27/2016
Jasmine Aurora Potter chapter 6 . 10/27/2016
I am finding this story interesting! I never understood why people liked Stony they are such polar opposites that, in my opinion, they would never work. Also thank goodness someone else is not on Team Cap. I never liked him but that movie made me hate him even more so.
beth chapter 6 . 10/27/2016
I am so freaking in love with this story because finally someone else isn't on Team Cap! Seriously, Civil War just made me want to beat Cap to a near death state and then just scream at him to get off his freaking pedestal.
stormpiper chapter 2 . 10/26/2016
Honestly I don't get Stony either. And I hate Captain America. I thought it was just me. Pepperony for ever. Ooh is she going to destroy Steve? Can't wait.