Reviews for Eclipse Reimagined
Ceddrwyn chapter 25 . 2/24
I recently found these series of stories. I certainly have been enjoying them but now I am very excited for what you have done with Brandon/bree. I have no idea what you have planned for him as I just now read this chapter but I am hoping somehow it involves the Cullen having their own set of wonder twins with beau and Brandon. I will eagerly continue with the series.
Harry Potter Sr chapter 28 . 8/30/2019
So went trough with eclipse.
I think I like it more now then the real twilight story . I just think it all works better with Beau, Edythe and Jules then with Bella, Edward and Jakob, at least for me. Even if there still seems to be trouble on the horizon. I like their personalities more and I like being in Beau's head more then in Bellas.
But at the same time I like the real Cullens a bit more then the gender swapt form. Especially I kind of miss Alice and Emmett. I even miss the old wolf pac. Maybe the best balance, for me, would be, if only the three main characters were to be gender swapt .
But I really liked your work and could never understand your insecurity about the chapters. They were all totally fine! I especially liked the time you could see Beau act different and better then Bella. I always was like: Yeah! Go for it my boy!
Maybe, as a new Projekt, you could write your reimagined stories after breaking down in edythe view? I mean you probably tought so much about Edythe thoughts while writing, so why not? Well I would be on board!
I will start now with breaking dawn. Can't get enough. I think I kind of really fell for Edythe..
Sdflky558 chapter 27 . 11/19/2018
I think it would have been interesting to show beau actually asking earnest for approval of wedding before he proposed.. just a thought.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/4/2018
Maybe breaking dawn could have more Julie black
Please write a story about Jacob too of course not pairing with Bella or renesmee
Izumikii chapter 27 . 9/3/2018
Omg ! The proposal ! That was so sweet ! It’s exactly how I would have imagine beau doing it. I’m also so glad the whole thing with Jules is resolved . She’s awesome, but I’m much happier with her being a good friend of Beau instead. There’s just something about Edythe and Beau Being together that is so perfect.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/17/2018
breaking dawn reimagined asap please . Jules is still in wolf form in woods :(
YourFuturePrezz chapter 28 . 7/8/2018
Jesus I love this. I just discovered your fan fiction and you are my saving grace, when Life and Death came out I sped through it and wanted more sooo badly and when I found your versions of new moon and eclipse reimagined i nearly peed myself. You do an amazing job rewriting the story according to the gender swap but still keeping true to the characters and the original plot. I’m excited about where you taking breaking dawn can’t wait to read
drtenant chapter 28 . 5/9/2018
after midnight sun do you plan on doing breaking dawn reimagined?!
OfTheUpperUplands chapter 28 . 5/9/2018
Ooh, I'm very excited to see where this all leads! And super excited for an Edythe focus! There really isn't any Edward focus in the second half of Breaking Dawn, which I think has always been one of the many issues with the book. I wish we would have seen more of him dealing with shit because we all know he's not that great at dealing with shit.

Edward's quite an annoying character, and sure Bella is not going to mind for the first while but somewhere in eternity she has to start getting annoyed at him or even just start admitting he's wrong in a way that isn't just *sigh, oh well I guess I'll deal with it*.
Bella, I think is the queen of rationalising crazy shit, I love my delusional homegirl.

I'm really really ready for a very different Breaking Dawn, like the crazier the better I'm SO ready and SO excited. Like I'm hoping you go way way off the rails with it.

tbh I'm expecting quality but I'm so invested in this version of story at this point you could probably change the names in My Immortal and I'd still eat it up... but please don't do lmfao
ColdOnePaul chapter 28 . 5/8/2018
It sure sounds like the reimagined version of BD will be quite different apart from not being able to have Renesmee since Edythe obviously cannot change with the progression of a pregnancy. Unless magic is somehow involved, which I think is extremely unlikely despite Bella’s crack in the original Eclipse about Angela being a witch when she remonstrated with Edward after her return from La Push. Anyway, looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
MediaJunkie chapter 28 . 5/8/2018
Wow I finally just got around to reading the final five chapters after you posted the epilogue last night that was quite a good read and I'm loving it.

your midnight sun reimagined is gonna sound pretty good I'm looking forward to it in addition to breaking dawn reimagined.

im actually thinking this might be put into two parts for the finale of you make it sound like it does have to be separated. I will check out winter sunshine work and this life and birth someone else's said in the review.

summing it up I've got alot of material to keep me occupied for the foreseeable future. keep it up you write amazing stories. this is gonna be a great ride see you in your next chapter!
Guest chapter 28 . 5/8/2018
Amazing finish you got me in the edge of my seat. Please update soon
JearBearTheMighty chapter 28 . 5/7/2018
Been reading alot of Ohxmyxria 's work on Life and Birth so Im super excited to see your take on Beau as a vampire, and his newfound relationship between him and the Cullens. Anyways wicked awesome chapter, I got chills at the end man, WHAT THE HECK DOES THIS ALL MEAN, WHATS GONNA HAPPEN?! DARK EDYTHE?! BEAU BEING USEFUL?!lol (I actually love how passive he is as a male lead) I really like the direction you're going in. Especially since the original Breaking Dawn just doesnt appeal to me. *sigh* Its gonna be sooo hard to wait for your version.

After Im done with Life and Birth Im gonna check out your Midnight Sun Reimagined and WinterSunshine's DayBreak series. Keep up the killer work man, youre truly one of my favorite writers (not just fanfic writers, writers in general, all-encompassing).
MANU gupta chapter 28 . 5/7/2018
You rock man!
Guest chapter 28 . 5/7/2018
An amazing fanfiction and very well written! I can't wait for you to post Midnight Sun and especially Breaking Dawn!
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