Reviews for Disconnected
Selena chapter 1 . 2/11/2018
Interesting is his Phantom identity a separate entity now? Hopefully, thats just a phase, until they mesh into one being...though it could be interesting, always having someone to talk to...they could become the best of friends...eventually. Still, I'd prefer Danny and Phantom to mesh together into one entity. Although that would explain the incident with Fenton Ghost Catcher, when Danny split himself in half. Still, I prefer to think that Danny and Phantom are two halves of the same whole - and that the incident with them being separated was those two halves getting split, neither of them complete. But I'm ranting, sorry. You've already written the story, anyway. Looking forward to reading it!
imekitty chapter 28 . 8/28/2017
Yes, lots of unanswered questions, but the sequel will hopefully clear that all up? :)

This was a lovely story overall. Intelligent writing and style, fantastic imagery and descriptions, excellent dialogue and banter, wonderful character development. A very interesting take on Danny's ghostly essence that kept me guessing and confused most of the time. Which was likely the intended effect. So well done!
imekitty chapter 27 . 8/27/2017
Hate is fine...most writers hate their work. I hate my stuff, too.

I'm guessing they'll still be separate sentient entities in the same body following the success of this surgery? I would still hate that so much...

Ah, truancy. Never did it myself, but I'm sure it's fun. Maybe. If you don't get caught.
imekitty chapter 26 . 8/20/2017
Cute ending. :3 As for how Jack and Maddie could possibly perform brain surgery since they likely aren't qualified, eh, I can buy it. Who would know better about how to operate on a ghostly brain anyway? This is one of those times when I don't feel the need to be a stickler for realism. So much of the fantastic has already happened here, so I'm just excited to see what will become of this!
imekitty chapter 25 . 8/19/2017
Confusing and eerie and I'm not sure I even want to know...

But all I can think about is how ill and disoriented and frightened Danny must've felt here. And I know how terrible that can be since I felt it the whole time I was reading this chapter. Did it enhance the experience? Maybe...I don't know. I'll tell you later.
imekitty chapter 24 . 8/18/2017
I like the backtracking. Very informative. Also really spooky.
imekitty chapter 23 . 8/18/2017
I feel like I'm not in the best health to continue reading, but I am curious to know what is coming. I just hope I don't regret it.
imekitty chapter 22 . 8/18/2017
Seven weeks, wow. I thought I was slow taking three weeks to write just one chapter. XD

But actually, I think this was excellently written. You're great at writing battles. I myself suck at them which is why I rarely include them. Or if I do include them, I don't detail them very finely if I can avoid it. I try to focus more on the turmoil going on in the heads of the character in battle rather than the techniques/choreography of the battles itself.

But you've done so well. Fantastic.
imekitty chapter 21 . 8/16/2017
Maddie and Jack seemed to have adapted quickly to this whole idea! I like that they generally have a lot of faith in their kid.
imekitty chapter 20 . 8/15/2017
Nice scene with Maddie and Phantom. :) And I'm glad you opted to make it NOT disturbing. I needed something kinder right now.
imekitty chapter 19 . 8/15/2017
I actually prefer Fahrenheit measurements...personally. It just provides more readily-understood scope and range. Actually, I feel the same about a lot of imperial measurements. In particular, the meter is just way too long and not as easily divided as the foot or the yard. :b But why I am talking about this? I don't know. I'm kind of delirious right now.

I'm glad to see that Danny's parents aren't set to tear him apart after all. That's nice.
imekitty chapter 18 . 8/15/2017
"...with all the powers of a human!" Yes, we are powerful...
imekitty chapter 17 . 8/8/2017
Truthfully, for someone like me, a change in hair color is enough for me to not recognize someone that I otherwise know well. I sometimes wonder if I have a mild form of prosopagnosia? Hmm.

In my writing, I try to explain their inability to recognize Phantom as their son by first saying that the idea of being half-ghost is simply impossible to Maddie and Jack, so they just can't even entertain that idea which prevents them from recognizing Danny. Second, I explain it by saying his glow prevents them from being able to see the fine features of his face very well. So, yeah...that's how I get around that. :b It's just far more enjoyable in my writing for Maddie to NOT see any relation in Phantom to her son. I wouldn't be able to include that delicious sexual tension if she did.

But I like that you decided to have them be a little smarter! Very interested to see how this plays out.
imekitty chapter 16 . 8/8/2017
Obsessing over minutiae? Nah, you're just being a writer! It's all part and parcel. I do the exact same thing. For some of my novels, I even write all events out on a calendar, and I will also look up phases of the moon for a particular day if I'm wanting to describe it. It just depends on how precise I need everything to be.

So, again, you are very normal, and not only normal, but good! We as readers appreciate such attention to detail. It shows us the author really cares about his craft and product.

Ah, but as for this chapter...I can only imagine how getting hit in the head with a bat must feel. And I imagine that it would be extremely painful and unpleasant. And I imagine that that's likely an understatement.
imekitty chapter 15 . 8/7/2017
XD I was not expecting a lead-in to the first episode. Awesome.
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