Reviews for Deputy Belikov - A Romitri Western
AnnamaeBelikova chapter 15 . 10/17
Calling a boy cowboy is definitely sexy! And ya know what else is sexy? A man who isn't afraid of a fight but would never hit a woman. A gentleman.
AnnamaeBelikova chapter 14 . 10/17
I'm laughing hysterically when Alberta threatened Dimitri. If ya know what's good fer ya, don't EVER mess with southern women!
AnnamaeBelikova chapter 13 . 10/17
ooooooohhhhhh gosh i forgot about the love charm and the cabin scenes oh this will be good
AnnamaeBelikova chapter 3 . 10/16
I know this has been finished for a few years now, but here are some great sayings if you ever decide to go back and re-edit or something.
"He/She makes me mad enough to bite a hole in the bottom of a milk bucket!"
"I'm so mad I could chew nails and spit barbed wire!"
"Dang near only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades."
And of course, very common words: ain't, dang, and damn.
lululovetoread chapter 13 . 9/30
I LOVED this chapter! Good for Rose!
AshBelikov chapter 32 . 9/27
I am so glad you're back to writing this story and can't wait for October.
AdriansLuv chapter 32 . 9/24
I can't wait for the updates!
RomitriReader chapter 32 . 9/23
Yay I’m so excited! Thank you for returning to this awesome story! Am going to have to reread the two stories in preparation for the new chapter
The Goonies chapter 32 . 9/23
Great news
Miz.Trei chapter 1 . 9/22
Glad to see you back.
Hope the next part of ur story comes easily
For you
xfangurlx chapter 32 . 9/22
debpreato chapter 32 . 9/22
SO thrilled that you are continuing this story. They have been fighting that war a long
ginabowman2005 chapter 32 . 9/22
So excited!
Guest chapter 32 . 9/22
unanatilla chapter 32 . 9/21
Great news! So happy to have you back!
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