Reviews for Claws of Attraction
urg chapter 22 . 1/1
caray que pasaría con sus amigos y ese poli y parecía idiota hasta a nick engañó bueno supongo que el estaba algo desconcentrado esperemos ue esta vez ponga mas atención a los detalles y su plan de frutos que locos se an echado ensima y bueno los casos mas duros judi puede con ellos y con zorros inseguros para que no se pierdan
seakard chapter 5 . 9/10/2019
Story is going great. Just wish SOMEONE would write a Good Buddy Cop story with Wilde n Hopps that DOESN'T end up with them secretly or NOR so secretly in love! JUST FRIENDS. As far as being Badgered to drink, THAT I can't agree with. I Don't want to Drink, I AIN'T Drinking. Nick, apparently, has ZERO Backbone, as usual.
Michaela Rose Cameron chapter 22 . 5/30/2019
LLBennett chapter 22 . 4/4/2019
Well, across the two stories, that was perhaps one of the longest, slowest slow burns of all time. And so worth the wait. The story was wonderful, and I am looking forward to finding out more about the Natural Order and whatever may be next for WildeHopps. Thank you for a great story.
BCRE8TVE chapter 22 . 3/30/2019
You know, you broke my heart over and over again every time you had these two emotionally constipated idiots hold back on each other. I am glad they've finally gotten their heads out of their asses and admitted to one another how they feel. So looking forward to seeing the conclusion of this series!
Guest chapter 22 . 3/26/2019
Guest chapter 1 . 2/26/2019
I loved every minute of reading this, and what a gratifying ending - and then some! Really loved how you portrayed Judy and Nick and their relationship; a unique spin but still so very believable in respect of the canon! You have lots of talent when it comes to writing :) Definitely one of my favourite Zootopia fics yet, and I’m so excited to read the final part! Glad there’s still more to come and enjoy!
Guest chapter 22 . 2/25/2019
cielos pobre judi trabajar en alguien que no cree en si mismo del todo es duro hacerlo creer y darle mucho por que vivir pero si tienes la energía suficiente la terquedad y la paciencia el valor y las agayas de secar sus lagrimas de matar sus dudas entonces siempre será fuerte lo se por que yo era así y alguien me levantó y aún cuando no lo demuestre siempre le debere la vida
Guest chapter 22 . 2/25/2019
Great chapter, but so many questions left unanswered... I'll stick around for part three.
Good job!
HawkTooth chapter 22 . 2/27/2019
We're all hoping for a happy ending, and I'm still going to continue. But, having seen the prologue of the next before having read this, I have to question what has happened between here and then for either Nick to not only once again drop the obvious interest he has in being with Judy but do a complete 180 on the topic and the society it relates to as well, or have to put in such a con that it looks like he is...if he in fact says of his own free will that little note the next story is starting with at all...
The rollercoaster just don't slow down, does it?
Basil Allegri chapter 22 . 2/25/2019
I loved that last conversation between Nick and Judy - it was very insightful into what they needed from each other.

"Her eyes were sharp. Possibly sharper than even the fox's." - Really liked that line. For some reason it stood out to me.
OneWolfe chapter 22 . 2/25/2019
About dam time Nick!
TheoreticallyEva chapter 22 . 2/25/2019
Every syllable was absolutely worth every second of waiting. Your series here is turning out to be one of my very favorite fan fictions ever. Thank you so much for writing it. I will eagerly devour the prologue to the next one now. :)
Scottishvalhalla chapter 1 . 2/25/2019
Little confused, so will there be another part to this story? As I've seen the finale to the first bit you put up with nicks oath. Does that mean that in this story he was already apart of the order?
WingedKatt chapter 22 . 2/25/2019
This was a fitting end for the second installment. I'm glad to see Nick finally explained to Judy what his real fear was so she could lay it to rest. Great ending and nice teaser for the next installment. Can't wait to read it.
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