Reviews for Levana's Asylum for Supernaturals
PennTheWriter chapter 6 . 1/16/2017
Aww, poor Peony and poor Cinder! I hate Adri so much. Ugh.
Update when you can, please, and keep up the awesome work!
PennTheWriter chapter 5 . 1/2/2017
Levana. No. You are insane. No.
Fabulous chapter! I loved it!
Update when you can, please, and keep up the awesome work!
ThatBlondeALB chapter 5 . 1/2/2017
Ohh I'm really interested to see what happens! I like the different points of views in each chapter. I hope some Kaider, along with other ships, are in here. Can I just say that I LOVE hope satisfying it was to see a chapter at exactly 1,000 words. Okay sorry just wanted to say that. Anyways, hope you update soon!
619od chapter 4 . 10/29/2016
Ahh I just realized that I hadn't submitted my review; I thought I did! Sorry.
I loved this chapter! I love WolfXScarlet. Keep up the amazing writing!
(And you're welcome :) I'm more than happy to help)
PennTheWriter chapter 4 . 10/17/2016
Who's the patient? I'm pretty sure it's Cinder. But I loved Scarlet's epiphany. The Wolflet has started! Update when you can, please, and keep up the great work!
PennTheWriter chapter 3 . 10/7/2016
My poor baby Wolf doesn't want to fight, and yet Levana makes him. If I cussed, I would, to describe Levana. Seriously, that woman is messed up in so many ways. But such a great chapter! Update when you can, please, and keep up the fantastic work!
P.S. I love how you worked another Hebrew name into this universe, and how appropriately it fits with his description.
blueberryminiwheats chapter 3 . 10/7/2016
I absolutely love this story!
IveGoneBonkers chapter 2 . 10/6/2016
This is my favorite one of yours! I love the way you wrote it and everything! I personally think this should be your main priority, but what do I know? Oh my gosh, I sence chills! Please Update!
619od chapter 1 . 10/6/2016
Huh...this is so complex and beautiful. Honestly, I love the plot so far! I'll have to read the next chapter in the near future. It's so promising and creative; I wish I came up with an idea like this. I'm quite fascinated with asylums/psychology, so this story really appeals to me. I liked how you applied that to the TLC plot and how Levana fits into this AU. I like Levana as my favorite TLC women character, but I guess she's not part of the main four, so out of those...probably Winter as well. Feel free to PM me if you want some ideas. I'm not the best writer or helper, but I love to give effort and wouldn't mind talking about this fic with you :)
PennTheWriter chapter 2 . 10/6/2016
I feel like Cress is pretty much in character! Great job! I can't wait to read what happens next! Update when you can, please, and keep up the great work!
PennTheWriter chapter 1 . 10/5/2016
This is such an interesting concept! I love it! And my sweet baby Winter! She's being abused by Levana, poor girl. Why, Levana, why?! Update when you can, please, and keep up the great work!
AOTD: I love 'em all, but I'd have to say that Cress is my favorite.