Reviews for SSKT 1
Guest chapter 6 . 6/7/2019
Btw I'm not sure if the attacks were in japanese, but one word caught my eye. 'Naname', which means diagonal.
I like the use of different languages, but I don't really think it's necessary.
But it's fiiine. I love the story either way.
Dreamy Blaze chapter 7 . 11/5/2017
Willing to read but to many random inserts of things that don't belong. You'd think people would question how a giant monster that destroyed a mountain didn't appear in the news. Story is not my type so I'll stop reading. Also, the sonic characters barely appear or make such drastic changes to the place. Also Blake and tails knowing each other is too out of the blue.

If anything good can be said about this story is that the grammar is good.
Jinxxs chapter 4 . 6/4/2017
you had to put uzumaki in his name didn't you
Jio NExuS chapter 7 . 4/20/2017
I've decided to just leave chapter reviews after certain intervals rather than every chapter.

To start things off, the originality of this story has already vanished. What started out as an interesting concept has become what is basically a word by word narration of the canon events. There are even times that I forget that Sonic and his team are even there because of how small their roles feel. Anytime they do contribute to conversations, their lines feels very generic and don't have much importance.

Another issue I've noticed is the lack of detail and missing scenes. Take for instance how team SSKT have already met and Ruby. It feels weird that this scene is not in the story at all and makes it seem out of place that they're already close friends with each other during their first character interaction in the story.

Next on the list is detail. To out it blatantly, this story is already missing a lot of it. I find it hard to know which characters are present and which ones aren't. Also, many of the scene changes seem very discombobulating due to the lack of any spacing between them.

That's all I have this time. There's some other things I took notice to as well, but I'll talk more about those in the future.
Jio NExuS chapter 5 . 4/19/2017
I've been meaning to write a solid review for this crossover story for quite some time, so why not start at the cannoical beginning.

Before I get into the criticism, I would just like to congradulate you for being able to make this series without discontinuing it. Not only have you shown that you're willing to rewrite this storyline (each of which were better than the previous version, by the way), but you've also managed to plan it out well enough to start in create this one after SSKT 3 and not have too many continuity errors. For that, you definetly deserve a pat on the back.

Now onto the criticism. Please keep in mind that I will be doing this based off where I am in the story, and that I will be writing this criticism as if it's the first time I'm reading this (which it isn't).

Not much to say about the first half. It's a simple opening that establishes what happened and how they got there. The second half is where most of my points are coming from. While having the four of them turn into Faunus is very interesting, the main issue is their reactions. Sonic seems to accept it too quickly, Tails and Shadow don't have much of a reaction (onscreen at least, so it's forgivable), and Knuckles...well, his reaction is the most OOC of all. I don't see him as the type of person that swears every five seconds.

Speaking of which, let's move onto Qrow and Taiyang. They seem to accept this whole thing WAY too quickly. Aside from the curiosity, they don't seem to have or show much shock to the revealations. If anything, Qrow should be extremely suspicious of them because of their sudden arrival.

That's all for now. I'll try to do these for the other chapters, though I don't expect them to be as long as this one. Until next time.
Shadow Joestar chapter 15 . 11/13/2016
KO awesome chapter, the final chapter of this book has ended and now to the next volume.
Czar Joseph chapter 14 . 11/4/2016
I had admitted, combat skirt rules.

Most impressive.
Shadow Joestar chapter 14 . 11/4/2016
KO awesome chapter, Blake has run away with a monkey to learn about her past and to stop a robbery that she hope it isn't them. To her surprise of what she'll see next.
120xion chapter 13 . 10/31/2016
Please do more, please!
Czar Joseph chapter 13 . 10/29/2016
I did read all the chapters for some time when being lazy.
Shadow Joestar chapter 13 . 10/28/2016
KO awesome chapter, Jaune had awoken his power as he is the Lionheart of the team and will master this power with the help from Pyrrha.
Chaos Dragon God chapter 12 . 10/27/2016
This is good
Super mega super ultra mega chapter 7 . 10/1/2016
Don't disrespect the lord. Be mindful of his name.
Dracoreaper chapter 1 . 9/29/2016
I like it but will their be others character's from sonic world