Reviews for Swept Away
Jennyjhosa chapter 7 . 1/14/2018
This would be such a good full story. I love it!
Guest chapter 4 . 3/8/2017
I dont know why this story has so little attention. Love the vignette style! Very intriguing
Cecily chapter 7 . 3/8/2017
I really want Bella to get her revenge. I would love for Edward to die knowing he killed the light in her eyes.
SunflowerFran chapter 7 . 3/8/2017
Wow, riveting POV from Edward.
Rebadams7 chapter 7 . 3/8/2017
Amnesia? Witsec? How these stars might cross and be righted is calling a marker and a major miracle on both sides
grandmachix chapter 7 . 3/8/2017
Sooo... she was taken. Her family was arrested. Apparently, she was not incriminated, but was used to get her family. She must have figured out that her fiancé was not who he seemed. I assume you are being vague for a purpose. It will get better, won't it?
MeteorOnAMoonlessNight chapter 7 . 3/8/2017
Ugh, it sucks. He had to know this was coming, though.
jennaRB chapter 6 . 3/7/2017
i like this story.
grandmachix chapter 6 . 3/6/2017
Is Bella a member of a mob? Is Edward an agent? No questions have been answered. Nothing has been explained. Is this going to continue like this or do I have a hope that it will begin to make sense?
SunflowerFran chapter 6 . 3/6/2017
Oh, no. He was so wrong from the beginning. And then he never had the opportunity to explain.
Rebadams7 chapter 6 . 3/6/2017
Oh officer of the law, are you as light as you pretend or as dark as what you purport to purge from society?
MeteorOnAMoonlessNight chapter 6 . 3/6/2017
How is he going to fix things now?
grandmachix chapter 5 . 3/5/2017
A strange, dark tale. Can he destroy her family and protect her from the repercussions?
Sammie29 chapter 5 . 3/4/2017
I like this so far, but it seems like the chapters are all one long prologue. Maybe the dialogue is coming soon?
MeteorOnAMoonlessNight chapter 5 . 3/4/2017
I have to admit I couldn't remember what this was when I saw the update, so I re- read it. It really is excellent writing.
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