Reviews for Tell Him
georgiasuzy chapter 9 . 6/23
I just found this chapter notification in my email so I read the whole thing over again! Still a sweet little story.
svmtbfan chapter 9 . 10/10/2019
A very delightful story! Sorry that I didn’t review each chapter but I just discovered you and the story was complete. And secondly, I never really know what to say ... I’m usually just anxious to read what the author has to share keep writing ️, you are very talented!
alh1971 chapter 6 . 3/31/2019
Love the Viking’s cheekiness at the end
Guest chapter 9 . 2/18/2019
Can't wait for more
Bookluver0801 chapter 1 . 12/22/2018
Lover that always makes me smile
Jfozz chapter 9 . 11/25/2018
How did I miss this one? I'm caught up now and can't wait for the next chapter. I love your Eric, and your Sookie has just the right amount of sass. At least they both realise that there is an interest in each other, despite all the chaos that surrounds them. Looking forward to more.
kleannhouse chapter 9 . 11/21/2018
it was a great chapter, curious how they figured out what Bill was up too, or did i read it wrong and they found out after his interrogation from Pam? looking forward to more KY
ciasteczko chapter 9 . 11/18/2018
Yay for the new update.
Mischeifandmagic chapter 9 . 11/17/2018
I love it!
Please continue
msbuffi chapter 9 . 11/17/2018
I just got this last chapter in my email, so I had to go back & read all the others. Such a hardship! I love it, their late night conversations were so wonderful, full of flirtation and mystery. Sookie is falling hard for our favorite vampire and, of course, I can't wait for Beehl to be gone.
I'm thrilled to see you writing again! I love your stories and you've been of my favorite writers for years. I hope you never stop, no matter what you're writing. You've got 'IT' so keep going! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Rachell25 chapter 9 . 11/16/2018
Excited for glad it’s not abandoned.
sbinez chapter 9 . 11/15/2018
The way you write Eric gives me butterflies...really happy to see an update on this story, thank you!
viola1701e chapter 9 . 11/15/2018
future lover ;) that always makes me smile

Eric is just so much more fun than Bill.
VampMad50 chapter 9 . 11/15/2018
I don’t know how I missed this. The email for this chapter is the first email I’ve received about the story. Oh well, have thoroughly enjoyed reading all the chapters so far. Great story. So few really good stories are still being published.
Midwestmom chapter 9 . 11/15/2018
So glad you updated this, I’m loving it!
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