Reviews for Gunsmith Apprentice's Introduction to Mass Effect Weaponry
LogicalPremise chapter 12 . 10/27/2018
An interesting and useful examination. Very detailed work, I'm impressed.
OnkelJo chapter 8 . 8/11/2017
Is it bad of me that my mind immediately went to Fallout's Pip-Boy when you talked about the clunkier wristpads? xD
RadioPoisoning chapter 11 . 7/27/2017
How big are the flechettes? Soldiers must have run around with tanks of omnigel just to feed the thing.

I guess we won't be seeing the Javelin for a while since it only showed up during the reaper war, uh?
seabo76 chapter 10 . 7/7/2017
Lots of great info. Loved the Kishok in the game. BOOM HEADSHOT! Good stuff keep it up!
Kat-2V chapter 9 . 7/5/2017
The Blades exist in MI:CC? Color me intrigued.

In regards to Cieran's armor, you're essentially correct. Since he hasn't been engaged in the kind of open-field pitched battles that he was in Vengeance, he has less reason to use it. Should a situation like that arise again, he would likely return, but until then its size and bulk are more of a hindrance. The Blades themselves use the units as flexible armored formations, but generally in Batarian/defensive roles.

My head-cannon, since we haven't really seen many of them, is that the Batarians and Turians in general go the same route, with mechs ranging in size from Cieran's model to those the size of Atlas mechs, but typically used defensively or as test platforms for new technology. As you more or less layout, the cost and problems of developing suits, and maintaining the things, generally isn't worth it given the firepower a conventional ME soldier can carry around.

The only species to actually use *good* armor are the Asari, who use sleek, over-engineered anime-esque suits as a form of hyper-elite commando force.
Kat-2V chapter 8 . 6/16/2017
Appreciate the shout-outs as always.

Interesting chapter overa, despite not being a new MI:CC. The notation that both wrist-keyboard and circular omni-tools exist is an interesting ome, and is something that i'll probably steal in hellhounds.
Kat-2V chapter 7 . 3/6/2017
Continues to be useful and interesting.
Aftermath212 chapter 1 . 1/11/2017
Wow, this is really in-depth and loyal to the games. I love it! And I've *never* noticed double-barrels until now. Huh. Now I can't *stop* noticing them, but at least you provided a good explanation for them!
RadioPoisoning chapter 6 . 1/11/2017
Did you skip a part near the end? The second to last paragraph ends with "Additionally, ".
Kat-2V chapter 5 . 12/8/2016
Rather liked this chapter, looking forwards to the next on armor and barriers.
RadioPoisoning chapter 4 . 11/11/2016
I'm still blown away by how much sense all this makes. I can't see any contradictions either so good job!
I think the weapon's section should be done so next is either grenade and armor upgrades, bio-amps or omnitools.
Gnaoh El Nart chapter 1 . 10/28/2016
This "fic" seems interesting. I'll follow it and use thee information from here to supplement my story - hope you don't mind
AveragePsychopath chapter 3 . 10/27/2016
I feel like I am slowing learning science about a subject that I hitherto accepted as being "future/space-magic". It is quite a pleasant experience.

And in my eyes, if you can make what is essentially a fictional instruction manual interesting and enjoyable to read, you're doing writing right

Thank you for writing this, and please keep it up! This member of the public really appreciates it!
Kat-2V chapter 2 . 9/28/2016
I enjoyed the references, as always. :)

Also will likely be stealing parts of this, if you don't terribly mind.
stormdragon981 chapter 1 . 9/26/2016
Are you going to make a codex of the guns featured in your story mass intelligence
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