Reviews for Imagine That
LokasennaHiddleston chapter 7 . 1/28/2019
Awww... Happy SuzaLulu moments! We need more of this! Thank you on behalf of the fandom :)
leo chapter 5 . 3/27/2017
Humming thoughtfully, the therapist murmured, "Scared and avoidant on top of being self-destructive."

i don't enjoy being called out like this
SunWhale chapter 5 . 2/24/2017
I LOL when I saw the last paragraph. Basically C.C was just invited there for a well-guided speech and a free real-person porn. Oh Next time please give me a chance to do this! I will read the script out rightfully and passionately, then hide myself at the corner to secretly watch you too without causing any interruption. Trust me, I would do as good as C.C. Please do invite me to your guys' love show.
SunWhale chapter 3 . 2/23/2017
“He moved to kiss the older teen again, pressing himself tightly against his mewling prince. ”
I remember Suzaku is four months older than Lelouch? - Their birth month are August and December respectively.
Anyway, this spot is so warm and touching. Wish the original universe proceeded in this track but...
SunWhale chapter 1 . 2/23/2017
At first glance of "tape", what occurred to me is the scene where Suzaku bound Lelouch up and forced the raven boy to satisfy some of his idiosyncratic sexual needs. Not until I saw red tape did I start to feel ashamed of myself.
AleizonAilix chapter 4 . 9/25/2016
What? I'm the first to review?
Well, I want to say that the first and the third one are my favourites and hope that you may write another oneshot from these. Thanks for you work, I enjoyed it very much!