Reviews for Embers of Autumn
Cortlander chapter 68 . 5/12/2018
Okay, forgot everything I just said. MY FUCKING EMOTIONS.
(I was the guest btw, forgot to log in)

Great. I started reading this to fill the hole Resergence left inside me, but now there's a fucking endless pit instead. So thanks for that, asshole.

I'm pretty sure there's a rule somewhere saying FanFiction isn't allowed to be this damm good.
Guest chapter 54 . 5/12/2018
Bring Pyrrha's emotions back! I can't have my Arkos fluff when Pyrrha can't feel anything! (Also it's depressing as shit -good well written depressing, but still depressing- and delaying the emotional payoff)
Cortlander chapter 17 . 5/7/2018
Howdy, for the most part I'm really enjoying your story right now. The character motivations work and the new additions to the world fit nicely within the cannon.

However, I do have one issue.
Pyrrha. None of the characters recognise the similarities between her and the Grimm knight.
There has not been one moment when a character has been like 'oh hey, we've kinda figured out this thing is a possessed human. Isn't is strange it has Pyrrha's semblance, and some of her physical features as well? Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm'
Merp chapter 68 . 4/25/2018
It's depressing that you put so much time and effort into this and not that many people followed, reviewed, and favorited it.

Though I can kind of see why.

Your story went from Team RWBY centered to mostly everyone BUT Team RWBY centered. I realize that's meant for the plot and it really wasn't meant to be a lovey dovey story (which some people don't like) but you did shift the focus to mostly JNPR.

People came with the hopes of seeing their favorite pairings kicking ass and got a story that had the ass kicking but not a whole lot about their favorite pairings and entire chapters with no mention of RWBY...well aside from characters talking about them.
GrnDrgnzrd chapter 68 . 4/17/2018
Wonderful closure for the story, though my only wish is that there was a little more on where RWBY stood with each other after the time jump.
Take a little break. You earned it.
See you next time.
Battleshield chapter 68 . 4/17/2018
Thank you for writing this story. Its was long journey as reader, but it was worth it. Everyone's troubles are not over in the end, but long road of recovery for all of them is still on going. Hopefully one day, they will get the fairy tale ending they deserve.
Shadow star chapter 68 . 4/16/2018
What about team rwby and what they been up to and what name tag gave her child
Manah Scarlet Shadowsong chapter 1 . 4/16/2018
...I-I'm n...not sure if I should read m-more of this or not...that was...oh goddess...
McJavi chapter 68 . 4/16/2018
"...collecting herself as she puts her glasses back on and turns the page." What a way to end it. Blah, I feel bittersweet now. This whole story merits a re-reading but... Maybe in a bit. That way those darker moments in the earlier parts don't cloud the positive feelings at the end here.
Take a break, lord knows you've earned it for completing such an ambitious project. But don't rest for too long because I am positive that everyone who read Embers of Autumn is eagerly awaiting whatever you write next :)
I know I am
GrnDrgnzrd chapter 67 . 3/18/2018
Step by step, day by day. For all of them, really.
See you next chapter.
McJavi chapter 67 . 3/17/2018
There is that sweet, sweet Arkos fluff I have been dying for. On an unrelated note, l was a little sad to see this is the penultimate chapter. Don't get me wrong, I think it is good that the story is wrapping up and I don't want to see it go on indefinitely until I begin to hate it, but I liked this world you made and I am a kinda bummed to see it go. Ah well, it was a fun ride, I am glad you wrote it!
GrnDrgnzrd chapter 66 . 3/8/2018
I told you. Aftermath is rarely looked at because it can be awkward and difficult. You're brave enough to pull it off. :)
See you next chapter.
GrnDrgnzrd chapter 65 . 2/19/2018
Talk about going to hell and back to have a first date. Lol.
Your monster is still as well written as ever.
See you next chapter.
McJavi chapter 65 . 2/18/2018
You do a really good job with dialogue, and this chapter showcases that. Some solid character interaction here, it was fun to read :D
I can feel the story starting to wind down now, but it feels like the right place to stop, ya know? I'll be a little sad when it ends but it was a hell of a ride haha. Looking forward to the last parts of this story and to whatever else you write!
TacoKing23 chapter 65 . 2/18/2018
It is nice to see these two heal and bond further.
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