Reviews for Wings of Fire: Dark of The Moon
Robby chapter 6 . 10/10
watermole06 chapter 6 . 9/16
Awesome story but please update soon
Guest chapter 6 . 9/7
I loved the book! It was great and i loved the plot! All tho im still worried about Kinkjou and the Jade Winglet... But great book and all Loved it!
eclipsemoon'ssis chapter 6 . 8/25
Eclipsemoon'ssis chapter 4 . 8/25
I like Darkwatcher, but I have a bit of a problem with the age difference, and I love Moonbli, but you do you! people are free to ship whatever ship they like!
Wof fan chapter 6 . 8/25
This is so good it’s almost like the books itself But how could you leave us with a cliffhanger
Guest chapter 1 . 8/22
Robby chapter 6 . 8/18
Plz make a chapter 7
DONOVAN94 chapter 6 . 8/17

This was such a fun read, and it absolutely made my day! As always, your style of writing is just flawless and very poetic. I loved the idea of Moon "peeking" into Clearsight's memories, being a ghost that those inside the memories cannot see. You do a great job of contrasting the Darkstalker then and the Darkstalker now, and how tragic this change in him is.

The idea of the paper Jade Winglet is genius and oh-so-cute. I especially like the little touches, such as Winter's paper miniature staying by Moon's side as she wakes, or Peril's going off to sleep alone. I do wonder what Darkstalker would think of them if he found out...

And that ending! GAH! How it goes from rather funny to making my quiver with anticipation! I love it! I'm thrilled at the idea of them going off to Jade Mountain, as the kind of antics they can get up to there whilst being a "couple", is very interesting to me.

One thing I would like to see in the next chapter or two, is more bonding between them. Moon is suspicious of him, and doing her best to not "string him along", if you will. However, I miss their chemistry and my heart needs fuel for this ship pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
marvynthephoenix chapter 6 . 8/17
Keep it upppppp!
Warrior of Spectra chapter 6 . 8/16
That’s the sad thing about the entire scenario, about Darkstalker and Clearsight. They both saw different futures. In their own ways, they focused so much on it. Darkstalker focused on his “fairytale ending” and in turn didn’t see the future as one everyone influenced, he saw the future as his to command. And Clearsight “This version of you is the sweetest” summarizes the biggest flaw of Clearsight: holding Darkstalker to unrealistic standards and constantly judged Darkstalker for things he hadn’t even done yet.

You did an amazing job showing both their flaws. And slowly but surely we see Moon and Darkstalker grow close.

Keep up the great work, my friend. This is a brilliant fic, one of a few I really enjoy in this growing fandom of ours.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/15
This new chapter was a welcome change and a joyful read.

Yes I have read Fragmented Soul, it too is really good.

I would like to see what's happening on the discord before I join. I heard a lot of them are toxic.
Never the less. I can't wait to read chapter seven. :D
Guest chapter 3 . 7/13
Is there a another book about this?
Guest chapter 3 . 7/12
I love it keep up the goood work
marvynthephoenix chapter 3 . 7/7
Please dont put ppl's real names in this(you did it in chapter 5). Respect their privacy. Thanks
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