Reviews for Fear Does Not Define Us
AquaEclipse chapter 4 . 8/5/2018
I know…poor bloke-o has real severe PTSD (aversion to magic variant)…
Hugs go out to our overly traumatized Nation, even tho I am Asian.
AquaEclipse chapter 4 . 7/26/2018
Salem Witch Trials…this hurts my heart as well as everyone else's. Write on. This is not the best quality but I have read many works much worse than this. No offense, ofc.
AquaEclipse chapter 2 . 7/26/2018
Unusual wand combos, tho I see the meanings behind both of them. And is that memory from the Burning of Washington DC, War of 1812?
XTheBloodyFoxX chapter 4 . 12/29/2017
This is great, hope you update sometime soon.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/2/2017
I love this so much. KEEP WRITING PLEASE!
Guest chapter 4 . 12/10/2016
I hope this is updated soon it's very good
MayeveDragonSlayer chapter 4 . 12/7/2016
I have been looking for a Fanfiction like this and I love it so much! Thank you for writing it and I hope you will update soon! (Was there a Fairy Tail reference in chapter 3?)
LaserkittenLucy chapter 4 . 11/29/2016
Oh so cute! I love cute little moments like that. (I also like it when 'strong' characters show weakness.)

You're real good, so you should keep writing! Make sure to remember me when you're a famous author with people writing fan fiction about your stories, kay'?
Guest chapter 4 . 11/25/2016
Wow that last chapter was great. I was almost in tears. Poor Alfred
Guest chapter 4 . 11/19/2016
Chapter four broke my heart.
plsdeleteeemeee chapter 4 . 11/20/2016
coolyo update soon! .~
ALBrassard chapter 4 . 11/19/2016
It a cute little chapter. The feeling I got this a fast reading type of story. Maybe get England and Canada try get him to him to talk about these post traumatic feeling. We'll continue your good work
Againanewaccount chapter 3 . 11/17/2016
Awesome chapter! I loved the last part, it was beautifully written. I like how you've put Canada in Gryffindor, because i expected him to be a Hufflepuff. I can't wait for the next chapter!
95Jezzica chapter 2 . 10/29/2016
Hello there! Just thought I should leave you a review on your great story. :)
I will mention a few things you might want to work on as well, but please don't take it badly.
You're a GREAT writer, and I really like how this story is going so far!
I just want to help you become even better than you already are. \w/

Now, what you already did great is...
- The Pacing: It's fast and let's the reader enter the story right away.
- The story: While you so far seem to follow the third book you also make sure to write in your own style.
This story is NOT just "copy and paste", and only changing a few sentences from the HP-book, which is GREAT! I've seen way too many stories where they do it like that and basically just copy the Harry Potter book(s).
- The characters: They're in character at the same time as you add things to their personality.
Well done!

Now, even the best writers have things they need to work on,
so here are a few things you might want to think about in the future:

- You switch POVs very often, which can be a little confusing. A good rule to follow for this is to try only have 1-2 switches of POV in each chapter, at MOST. Perhaps you also need to think about which perspective this story will be seen from. Will this story mainly be seen from England's eyes? Or Canada/America? Try to decide a FEW ones (1-3 POVs), and then stick to them, because if you have too many POVs in the story there is a risk it will become hard for the reader to follow the story.

- Why did England take the job? Especially since Dumbledore was so rude and just assumed England would and COULD accept it. You, as the writer, probably already know this - however don't be afraid to tell us, the readers, more details about what England thinks about all of this too.

- How does Dumbledore know England is a nation? Please tell us, the readers, these kinds of details.
I doubt England would just tell he's a nation to just anyone, so how does Dumbledore know?
Are they old friends? Did they just meet once and Dumbledore figured it out then?
(Depending on how you view Dumbledore, would Dumbledore take advantage of this knowledge?
Did England perhaps take the job because he's blackmailed to it?)

- Why did England chose to bring Am.& Can. to Hogwarts? What was ENGLAND's reason(s) for bringing them, instead of - for an example - Portugal and/or Japan?
(Two of his oldest alliances and friends). Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Can.& Am. and I'm happy you chose them, but I'm also curious about the details why England chose to bring the twins. :)

- After Canada and America talked to England, but before or during the shopping, you might want to mention England de-aged/shrunk America and Canada (and how England did it). Because in the beginning of the shopping I thought they (Am.& Can.) still looked like they normally do.
It wasn't until Alfred said: "just because we look younger it doesn't give you the licence to treat us like colonies again", we - the readers - were told Canada and America looked younger now than they usually do.

- If you're switching the place they are at it's good to have some kind of transition. For an example, in one moment they were still shopping and then going back to England's house, and the next they were suddenly late to the train. So instead of writing:
"They were late. America had taken ages to get up out of bed", perhaps you could write something like:
'Two days later it was already time to board the train to Hogwarts, and they were about to become late because America took ages to get up from bed...'
That shows to the reader(s) a certain amount of time has gone, but also introduces the new location.

- On the train when the Demetors arrived, where did Ginny, Fred and George suddenly come from?
According to you, when Alfred and Matthew entered the compartment, the Golden Trio and Professor Lupin were the only ones there - but neither was it stated when/if Ginny and the others arrived to be there in time for the Demetors.

- "Then, they saw Arthur. Matthew was worried, but Al was terrified."
Why? Describe why they were worried when they saw Engand. Was he (un)conscious, but in a bad shape? Was he laying down? Or was he sitting up, supported by Professor Lupin? Sweating? Pale?
Describe what they saw. Tell us why America and Canada were worried when they woke up and saw England.

- Near the end of ch.02, why did you describe England as "emotionally unstable"?
And, since this was still in Canada's POV, how did Canada see/know this?

- ... "but as Matthew sailed off", - Again, here it might be good to have some kind of transition to show they have left the train and the station. Example:
"...but as Matthew entered the boat with the first years and began the ride over the lake".

Again, you're a great writer, and this is just so you can become even better than you already are.
Maybe you think I'm nit-picking, but I hope you find my review helpful for your future writing! \w/
I look forward to read the next chapter! /Jezzica
Guest chapter 1 . 9/16/2016
This is great! I'm really excited to read more!
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