Reviews for In Time To Come
hb77 chapter 4 . 10/4/2017
I really like your idea for this, and can't wait to see where you take it.
MashiroAzuki chapter 4 . 8/20/2017
Update plssssss i wanna read moreeeeee
ntlpurpolia chapter 4 . 3/26/2017
I'm very happy to hear that this isn't Dramione and in really enjoying this story so far. The chapters are a little short but it's a good plot!
leelolalee chapter 3 . 1/28/2017
I dont understand. Is it a dramione ?
Uzofire chapter 3 . 1/28/2017
I like Hermione's reaction when Rose introduced herself XD And I like how friendly Scorpius is, as well as his crush on Rose
Nina chapter 3 . 1/28/2017
C'mon Rose, don't be like that with Scorp :(
gus'hazelgrace chapter 2 . 1/28/2017
Loving this story. Great job!
Toermalijn chapter 2 . 11/22/2016
Awesome story! love it! please update soon. X